Highlight or otherwise note files whose names will change

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Highlight or otherwise note files whose names will change

Post by jbs »

In the preview window, I wonder if others would find it useful to differentiate between rows where the files names will change and those where it won't. I often find myself renaming photos based on their EXIF data and in some cases there are photos mixed in the same folder where some have been renamed and some have not. It'd be useful to have either a column that shows whether the file in that row will change or not. Especially when you're dealing with thousands of files, that would also make it easy to sort by "changing" and delete all the rows that aren't affected, thus letting preview and the actual renaming proceed much faster!

Thanks as always for a program I would be hard pressed to live without!
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Post by antp »

If you sort on the "Preview" column it will group together the files that will not change (where the preview value is empty).
I could easily add a different color for files that change (or don't change), I think it is already on my to-do list.
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Post by jbs »

I'm using the latest version 2.12.0 but for me the preview column is populated even if the preview is the same as the current name. Am I doing something wrong?

For example, the list below has only one action -- delete the 16th character. Only one of the files has a 16th character but all of the files show their "new" name in the preview.

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Post by antp »

Indeed, only some actions keep it empty when there is nothing to do, like exif or mp3.
So for others I should add options to easily spot the unmodified ones.
But you do not only want to be able to see which one are unchanged, but also be able to filter on them? What would be the purpose here? Remove them from the list for not performing further actions on these not touched by the first step?
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Joined: 2015-10-31 10:59:20

Post by jbs »

It might be an obscure need, but my use case is this:
Because of the way Dropbox handles certain videos and screenshots, some files end up with a name that's based on year-month-day but of UTC rather than the local time zone. I use Ant Renamer to rename those using file modified date. I run the ARB file every few weeks against a huge directory of videos.

I like to examine the changes to make sure the proposed change is only an even increment of hours. If a file ended up with a different modified date/time (say it was edited, or copied/moved) then I don't want to rename based on modified date, I want to manually change the UTC offset instead.

Right now I go through and scan both columns to see where the changes begin (i.e. when was the last time I ran the ARB) but it'd be easier to just see blanks for all the lines which have already been changed and focus my spot-checks on the others.

Less obscurely I could see using this to check for consistent naming (say of MP3 or Photos) by only viewing the files that are already named as I want them to be named. For example, load my entire photo library in, apply my preferred EXIF mask, and see which ones it would change, then evaluate where there's some reason they're named otherwise (like a folder I intentionally named differently).

Sorry for the long explanation! Thanks as always for the best renaming program on the planet!!
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