Looking for scripting help of a family movie review website

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Looking for scripting help of a family movie review website

Post by david7103 »

Help scripting for a new movie website for family

Hello, I was looking to see if there was a script created for pluggedin.com but it doesn't look like there is.

Would someone be willing to create this script?

There is a basic description field and then they also have 8 new text fields for most movies.

The site doesn't rate every movie, but when it does, it rates the movies from 1 to 5, in increments of .5 So a rating of 4.5 would have display rating-plug-4-5.png

Also with some movies it displays a "Content Caution" field for: kids, teens, and adults. These also point to images that label them as: light, medium, or heavy.

http://www.pluggedin.com/videos/2014/q1 ... -2013.aspx
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