Feature request to this template

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Feature request to this template

Post by wheaton »

Scenario I have a CD with Trailers downloaded from the internet. File name is a constant and Drive letter is variable. Idea is that we could add a field in the catalog for filename. Then on the left side navigation of this template have a dropdown that could ask for which drive letter. (in case I loan this cd to a friend. Would be really nice with the above to have a hotlink generated with the necessary info (ie. <driveletter>:/<filename>.xxx) My best idea would be a graphic that is greyed out if preview is not available and color if it is.

Im really not sure how much intrest there would be in this. But with more and more studios offering downloadable trailers it is might look really cool.

Another subset idea would be that if the file is not available on the disk that It could point to a presupplied URL perhaps from quicktime.apple.com?

Also links to movie website if available..
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Post by antp »

looks quite complicated and specific stuff :o
I'll add possibility to put file links, for more we'll see later...

Is there any clarification needed to the idea?

Post by wheaton »

I would be happy to help in whatever way.

I thank you so much for this great program. And as soon as money gets better I will be sending my donation in. I thought of this because I sometimes dump this template and all the content to a cd because my collection is so big. So I got the idea to add trailers to the cd with the extra space. So the idea kinda merged in with what my previous post was about.

Again Thanks for a great program.

just to be sure its clear.

Post by wheaton »

www.tegenaria.com/movieDB/xslt_template_3.zip thats the template.. I don't know how to link to the forum page that better describes the template im refering to.. I should have posted my original message under that topic.. I wasnt thinking clearly.. sorry..


last post

Post by wheaton »

here is the link to the template I am refering to.

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