Eyael Book Template for AMC 4.2 [EN/FR] *** Updated/MàJ

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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Eyael Book Template for AMC 4.2 [EN/FR] *** Updated/MàJ

Post by Eyael »

Back again with a new mod to organize your book collection. As for music, you no longer need to use a different language file.

I have packed all pictures, HTM file and preview in a 7-Zip archive. Just unpack the folder into your Templates directory. I have added loads of comments in English/French to the HTM file so you should have all the necessary info regarding the additional custom fields and extras you need to create as well as pictures, etc. I do not enclose the original background used on the screencap for copyright reasons since this picture is not mine. You'll need to use one in similar tones which should not be very difficult to find on the net.

Me revoilà avec un nouveau "mod" pour organiser votre collection de livres. Comme pour la musique, il n'est plus nécessaire d'utiliser un fichier de langue différent.

J'ai groupé l'aperçu, les images et le fichier HTM dans une archive 7-Zip. Décompactez le dossier dans votre dossier Templates. J'ai annoté le fichier HTM en anglais/français et donc vous devriez disposer de toutes les indications dont vous pourriez avoir besoin ainsi que les champs personnels a ajouter et les extras, les images a fournir, etc. Je n'inclus pas l'image de fond utilisée sur la capture pour des raisons de copyright, cette image ne m'appartenant pas. Vous devrez donc trouver une image dans les tons qui vont bien mais en cherchant sur le net, cela ne devrait pas trop etre difficile.

Image Image

Download / Télécharger :
4Shared : http://www.4shared.com/archive/JpVZDahq ... plate.html
Free : http://dl.free.fr/oGWxhUwst

EDIT 23/11/2013

I still cannot include the background picture for copyright reasons but I can give you the orginal download link.
Je ne peux toujours pas inclure l'image de fond pour des raisons de copyright mais je peux vous donner le lien de téléchargement sur le site original.

Background image / Image de fond

http://wallpaperdj.com/wallpapers/tranc ... 40x900.jpg
Last edited by Eyael on 2013-11-23 22:56:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 2013-07-07 03:27:02

Post by Concealed10 »

Okay so I feel slightly, well, stupid not understanding much of anything you put on here I thought this would allow me to get information on books and use a script to automatically input the information but really it has nothing to do with that so I'm just going to ask whether or not you have something like that added to amc yet and if so how I could get it?
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Post by Eyael »

Concealed10 wrote:Okay so I feel slightly, well, stupid not understanding much of anything you put on here I thought this would allow me to get information on books and use a script to automatically input the information but really it has nothing to do with that so I'm just going to ask whether or not you have something like that added to amc yet and if so how I could get it?
This is a HTML template to use in AMC when you select HTML view. It won't fill up anything and it is not a script. You just need to use the same fields as indicated in the HTML file (or change the name of the fields you wish to use or not use in the HTLM file) in order to see them displayed.

If you need a script to get book information on the Internet, you need to search this forum in the script sections I would imagine and you may need to change some fields in my template accordingly to see them displayed in HTML mode inside your AMC. This is not a template for exportation.
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Joined: 2013-07-07 03:27:02

Post by Concealed10 »

Alright well thanks for your help and also one more thing conserning your template, where could I get a background for it exactly?
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Post by Eyael »

Concealed10 wrote:Alright well thanks for your help and also one more thing conserning your template, where could I get a background for it exactly?
You're welcome :)
To find a background picture, you could try Google Image where you can also define colors in the advance search mode. There are loads of wallpaper sites that is where I found most of my pictures. Fractal pictures look good with that kind of template though anything will do really, it's all a matter of taste. You can even pick up a book cover scan if it's large enough to fit the space.
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Post by Eyael »

Juste pour informer les utilisateurs d'AMC francophones que j'ai posté une série de tutoriels consacrés à AMC sur mon blog dont les derniers traitent du modèle proposé ci-dessus. Vous les trouverez dans la rubrique OK Computer à ce lien (lien direct vers la rubrique):

http://lapensinemutine.eklablog.com/ok- ... -c23405117

J'ai également corrigé les commentaires HTML dans la zone CSS du modèle qui ne posaient problème avec l'afficheur HTML d'AMC. Le nouveau fichier corrigé est disponible au téléchargement sur mon blog.

Le lien direct vers le tutoriel consacré à la gestion d'une collection de livres est :
http://lapensinemutine.eklablog.com/ant ... -a96245669
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