I have two issues concerning IMDB script (v3.79):
1. Trivia
The Trivia list in the description field ends with spurious html tags.
Take a look to this film:
My Trivia section in the description field is the following:
- The film was written and shot during the Allied Powers' Occupation of Japan.
- In the 2012 version of "Greatest Films of All Time" Sight & Sound poll Late Spring appears as the 15th greatest film of all time.
- The film was subject to the Occupation's official censorship requirements.
- It is the first installment of Ozu's so-called "Noriko trilogy". The others are Early Summer (Bakushu, 1951) and Tokyo Story (Tokyo Monogatari, 1953).
- Most of the movie takes place in Kita-Kamakura, about 30 miles from downtown Tokyo. Several years after the release of the film, the director, 'Yasujiro Ozu', moved with his mother to the area and spent the rest of his life there. (His tomb is also located there.) Furthermore, the film's star, Setsuko Hara, also eventually moved to the area and, as of May 2013, reportedly still lives there under her birth name, Masae Aida. See alsoGoofs|Crazy Credits|Quotes|Alternate Versions|Connections|Soundtracksif ('csm' in window) {csm.measure('csm_TitleContributeWidget_started');}Getting Started|Contributor Zone »Contribute to This PageEdit pageif ('csm' in window) {csm.measure('csm_TitleContributeWidget_finished');} setTimeout(function() { var url = "http://www.facebook.com/widgets/like.php?width=280
2. AKA Titles
The script fails to detect any translated titles. The result is an empty string.
I got back the script at version 3.76 and the detection seems fine:
the following lines are not coded in version 3.76:
Code: Select all
FullValue := ConvertToASCII(GetPage(MovieURL+'/releaseinfo#akas'));
FullValue := TextBetween(FullValue, '<h5><a name="akas">Also Known As (AKA)</a></h5>', '</table>');
FullValue := TextAfter(FullValue, '<table border="0" cellpadding="2">');
FullValue := FullTrim(FullValue);
FullValue := StringReplace(FullValue, #13, '');
FullValue := StringReplace(FullValue, #10, '');
FullValue := StringReplace(FullValue, '> <', '><');
if RegExprSetExec('</td>\s*<tr>', FullValue) then
// removing the original title
FullValue := '<tr>'+TextAfter(FullValue, '</td><tr>');
while fullvalue <> '' do
// showMessage('Analysing: '+FullValue);
// each line is a pair of translated title and country
// format: <tr><td>Translated title</td><td>country</td><tr>
value2 := TextBetween(FullValue, '<tr>', '</tr>');
// now: <td>Translated title</td><td>country</td>
// showMessage('Line: '+value2);
value := TextBetween(Value2, '<td>', '</td>');
value2 := TextAfter(Value2, '</td>');
value2 := TextBetween(Value2, '<td>', '</td>');
// showMessage('Translated: '+value+' into '+value2);
if pos(UserCountry, value2) > 0 then
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, Value);
FullValue := '';
else FullValue := TextAfter(FullValue, '</tr>');
My environment:
Win XP 32 bit
Ant Movie Catalog
IMDB.ifs version 3.79