Suggestions for AMC 4.2

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Suggestions for AMC 4.2

Post by kgytopi »

Hello Soulsnake,

Congratulations on version 4.2 !!! :grinking: :grinking:

I have a few suggestions regarding it:


I always thought about being able to keep a record of the episodes of a series with AMC. At the moment I can do this by writing the episodes of a series in a separate AMC. Making the Extra field was a great idea and makes it easier to keep a list of episodes. Only a few pieces of information are needed for each episode, like series name, episode number, episode title, description, and maybe the date. These could be written into the appropriate Extra fields. It would be nice to have a method to be able to export extra records from AMC records, or import from AMC into the Extra field (and not only pictures).

Note: It would have been better if the extra fields had the same structure as the AMC, and all the options could be used with the extra fields. For example: Excel import, html template, etc.


Also, it would be nice to have variables named $$ITEM_EXTRA_COUNT and $$ITEM_GROUP_COUNT

is a very effective solution, but I don't know the parameters.

It would be nice if there was a $$ITEM_GROUP_BEGIN and $$ITEM_GROUP_END

for example like this:


The first parameter would be the name of the Group, and all the additional parameters would be similar to the extras.
And this would affect the entries present in a given Group.
These work with AMC records!!!
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Post by soulsnake »

It would be nice to have a method to be able to export extra records from AMC records, or import from AMC into the Extra field (and not only pictures).

Note: It would have been better if the extra fields had the same structure as the AMC, and all the options could be used with the extra fields. For example: Excel import, html template, etc.
Yes, it would be great but as you said it is not the same structure.
To have the same structure, I should create a special import and export (csv, html, ...) only for movie extras.
But it is not so great because you will have to make an export and an import for each movie.
That why I made a general movie import and export with extras for now.
But I understand that for you it is not great because you already have episodes in another catalog.

is a very effective solution, but I don't know the parameters.
It is not necessary to have all parameters.
You can write $$ITEM_EXTRA_BEGIN(snapshot) or $$ITEM_EXTRA_BEGIN(snapshot,,1).
And if you want to know the number of extras, you can use $$ITEM_NBEXTRAS.
It would be nice if there was a $$ITEM_GROUP_BEGIN and $$ITEM_GROUP_END

for example like this:

You would like something like that for the Full template if I understand well to have movies by groups ?
But for movies, you will have to specify what field to use for grouping also because you can group by category, actors, ... for them.

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