move Media Label text to Source?

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Joined: 2008-10-22 16:55:46

move Media Label text to Source?

Post by otreux »

I want to move the text in Media Label and place it in the Source, is it possible?

Posts: 863
Joined: 2006-08-31 23:58:18

Post by Raoul_Volfoni »


Yes, choose the script Update Fields (Tools > Scripting, or Shift+F6). Put the option "Vider champ origine" (Clean origin field) to "1 -> Oui / Clean origin field" (The script options are on the upper right corner of the scripting window).
Run the script on your all movies. Choose the action "Copier champ1 dans champ2 (Copy field1 in field2)", then the origin field and finally the destination field.
Posts: 194
Joined: 2008-10-22 16:55:46

Post by otreux »

I have solved the problem :)
Posts: 863
Joined: 2006-08-31 23:58:18

Post by Raoul_Volfoni »

otreux wrote:I have solved the problem ;)
I was answering when I saw that you solved your problem alone. ;)
otreux wrote:I have the Update field in francaise language, How can I set in english or in Italian language (I m italian)?
The script is only available in French/English language (except for the options label who are only in french).
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