I forgot to save after I downloaded and imported everything. I lost about fifty that I did. Does anyone know if that data is somewhere that I can retrieve it?
Also every time I open the AMT I have to go to open and select the place where my movies and data are I guess the database. Is that how it is suppose to. Operate?
Didn't save and lost all downloaded info
You should save your catalog regularly to avoid this.
You can open a catalog automatically at startup of AMC if you want.
Go in Tools > Preferences > Files > Check "At startup , automatically open following file..." et choose your catalog file
If you don't save your catalog, all what you did after last save is lost because all is stored in memory, sorryI forgot to save after I downloaded and imported everything. I lost about fifty that I did. Does anyone know if that data is somewhere that I can retrieve it?

You should save your catalog regularly to avoid this.
Also every time I open the AMC, I have to go to open and select the place where my movies and data are I guess the database. Is that how it is suppose to. Operate?
You can open a catalog automatically at startup of AMC if you want.
Go in Tools > Preferences > Files > Check "At startup , automatically open following file..." et choose your catalog file
