Box Sets

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Box Sets

Post by Darkspire »

Hi. Been looking for a PC DVD Movie Database for a while that ticked all the boxes, have tried Griffith which looked to be what I needed till I tried to do a renumber and the whole thing locked up and going to the homepage I found it seemed to be dead so I asked uncle Google and Ant Movie came up so here I am :)

The question is how do you enter boxsets? For Example, I have 8 seasons of Stargate (working on 9-10), there are 6 DVD's in each box, how is this entered without having to enter each DVD volume? So that each DVD within the season boxset is grouped with the others in that season boxset?


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Post by antp »

This program isn't really made for series, rather for movies.
It depends how you wish to have the info stored: if you just want to have the series itself in the list, one entry for the series would be enough. If you need to have each box or each season mentioned in the list, you could make one entry for each. I do not think that having the detail of one entry per dvd would be really useful though.
If you want to "group" the box/seasons then in the list you could put for example "Stargate SG1" in the "media label" field (or a custom field) and then group on that field. Depending on the chosen options in the preferences, all other entries which do not have anything special mentioned in that field can then be shown outside any group.
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