My database is approximately eleven thousand records and a few months ago when trying to open one of them I get the following message "Not enough storage space to process this command" and not let me open it. If I select the option hide movie picture covers I can access all the records without problem.
I also recently appeared two or three times "out memory".
My pc has enough RAM and hard drive capacity to spare.
Would you be so kind as to tell me how to fix the problem?
Thank you
I can not open any movie record with cover
What is the size of the .amc file?
The problem may be due to the fact that it tries to load the file to memory. If the file is really big, it is better to store the images as external files rather than in the .amc, so they are not loaded to memory each time.
Or else maybe it is just a particular movie picture which cause that problem when displayed (since you say that it works when you do not show covers).
The problem may be due to the fact that it tries to load the file to memory. If the file is really big, it is better to store the images as external files rather than in the .amc, so they are not loaded to memory each time.
Or else maybe it is just a particular movie picture which cause that problem when displayed (since you say that it works when you do not show covers).