Hello everyone! I'm using AMC from a very long time a now that the project has reprised I would like to suggest some features that, for me, could make the difference:
1) the ability to search for more than one field at a time, and to filter values with different operators, like egual, disegual, in, not in, between. I would be great to have an "advanced filter" option that show a grid in which we can select the field to search, the operator to use, and the values of course (like AMC Search but more powerful)
2) the ability to select a number of movies and make a bulk change of some values (for example the check, unckeck.. or a date ect...)
3) a powerful report manager, with a filter like the power search i've suggested in point 1, and a tutorial for the sintax to be used in the script and the functions that are supported.
I hope to make some good suggestions. Thanks. Bye!