Is there any way to know the number of movies that script is going to change?
For example in the Scripting Window there are Movies Limits and the options All - Selected - Marks - Visibles
Is there a variable or function that tells me the amount of records to works?
Number of Movies to script ?
Well... the plan is...
The idea is that once a window out in bathmode, with an input that set the porcentage of math title.
In summary, with use SetStatic store the value of percentage of title and GetStatic to read this value in bathmode.
But can not get the value of total record to work, selected before run the script (in the options all-selected-marks-visibles)
well... this is the prototype
In summary, with use SetStatic store the value of percentage of title and GetStatic to read this value in bathmode.
But can not get the value of total record to work, selected before run the script (in the options all-selected-marks-visibles)
well... this is the prototype
Code: Select all
procedure SettingPercent(var outputPercent:Integer);
percentValue, durationValue : string;
current: Integer;
durationValue := GetStatic('duration');
percentValue := GetStatic('percent');
if (percentValue = '') then
percentValue := IntToStr(defaultPercent); // defaultPercent: global variable
if (durationValue = '') then begin
durationValue := '0';
if (durationValue = '0') then begin // First time of the bath
// This Input appear in the first time ONLY
if (Input('...', '...', percentValue)) then begin
outputPercent := StrToInt(percentValue,0);
end else
outputPercent := 0; // Cancel button of the input
end else begin // Here always for the rest of the bath
outputPercent := StrToInt(percentValue,0);
current := StrToInt(durationValue,0);
if (current > 0) then // This is like a counter
SetStatic('duration',IntToStr(current - 1));
// When 'duration' reaches zero
// there is when is posible to set 'percent'
// in theory...