Template error please!!! - Template Error Ayuda Por favor!

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Template error please!!! - Template Error Ayuda Por favor!

Post by danielemilio »

Hi all as I make the film follows a number does not leave one room separate page and continuing to the other film, I mean. Thanks

P / d: Sorry for my English use a translator


P / d: Sorry for my English use a translator

Spanish Version
Hola a todos como hago para que la película del siguiente numero no salga en una pagina aparte y solo sala continuada a la otra película, me explico. Gracias

P/d: Perdon por mi ingles use traductor
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Post by antp »

Either a bug in the report or in the print engine (which was not made by me), when I use that report the results seem a little random: some go on next page, some don't
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