Exporting certain categories

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Joined: 2010-01-22 14:59:03

Exporting certain categories

Post by JCSullivan »

Is it possible to leave out a category or two when exporting to xml?

Thank you
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Re: Exporting certain categories

Post by bad4u »

JCSullivan wrote:Is it possible to leave out a category or two when exporting to xml?
No. Export to XML function does the same as "save as XML" from menu. It saves the complete catalog to XML format.

It's a little tricky, but you can do that though. Either you export a partial catalog to Excel/text format (csv), then re-import this file into a new, empty catalog and save it to XML format. Or use the export to HTML function and change the HTML code to export exactly the XML code you need, it shouldn't be hard to do if you have few HTML knowledge.

First solution means an extra step whenever you want to export, second one is faster but needs some more work previously..
Posts: 25
Joined: 2010-01-22 14:59:03

Post by JCSullivan »

Thank you. I'll give the csv option a try.
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