I'm not sure if ant renamer is the issue or if it's something with my pc. Either way, i need to figure what the problem is.
Ant renamer was working perfectly, but now when i use enumeration to rename..all my files get renamed all out of order.
I upgraded to the most recent ant renamer & notice it's still doing the same. I suspect it's something with my pc because it seems to put things out of order when i drag & drop into other batch editing software (i'm mainly batch renaming & editing photos).
any ideas? running windows xp sp3.
enumeration all out of order
The files are renamed in the order they are set in the files list window.
So you could check there which order is used. Maybe you changed sort order to date instead of name?
Also, if no sort order is set, it uses the order sent by Windows.
Windows first sends to the program the file which was under the cursor when doing the drag & drop, then all files below it, then remaining files above it (if any).
So you could check there which order is used. Maybe you changed sort order to date instead of name?
Also, if no sort order is set, it uses the order sent by Windows.
Windows first sends to the program the file which was under the cursor when doing the drag & drop, then all files below it, then remaining files above it (if any).