[REQ] Importing from .mdb

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[REQ] Importing from .mdb

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Hello, my friends.
Time after time I need to import from a table in a Microsoft Access Database .mdb.
As the table contains a lot of fields and I don't need all of them, every time I have to identify the rows to import and give them the AMC fieldname.

Should it be possible to mantain my selections from time to time?

Thanks in advance.

Ciao a tutti.
Di volta in volta devo importare dati da una tabella contenuta in un Data Base Access .mdb.
Poichè la tabella contiene un sacco di campi e non ho bisogno di tutti, ogni volta devo identificare i vari campi da importare; sarebbe possibile mantenere di colta in volta le corrispondenze dei campi da .mdb a .amc?
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Post by antp »

AMC does not offer such functionality but if you use same column names as what CSV import/export uses, it will detect columns automatically
To achieve that you can save a SQL query in Access and give custom column names to the results of that query. I do not remember how they name that though ("View"?) and do not have access here. Then you can import from the Access query name rather than from the table directly.
If you do not see what I mean I can try to make few screenshots from an Access at work in the next days.
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Post by fulvio53s03 »

If you do not see what I mean I can try to make few screenshots from an Access at work in the next days.
It should be very nice.... :hihi:

sarebbe molto carino da parte vostra mostrare qualche esempio....
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Post by antp »

Sorry, I forgot, I'll try to do that tomorrow.
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