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I'm so stupid ! How to install mods ?

Posted: 2009-08-28 18:41:32
by caillou35
:cry: Hi everybody,
I am lost ! Can someone help ?
I want to manage 2 different catalogs, one for my DVDs, the other for my audio CDs. I've installed AMC and downloaded AntMusicCatalog, but I don't know how to proceed.
Thanks for your help

Re: I'm so stupid ! How to install mods ?

Posted: 2009-08-28 19:22:26
by bad4u
caillou35 wrote:I want to manage 2 different catalogs, one for my DVDs, the other for my audio CDs. I've installed AMC and downloaded AntMusicCatalog, but I don't know how to proceed.
There is no general "Mods" format or installation procedure.

In case of AntMusicCatalog modification you should do another installation of Ant Movie Catalog to a different location on your harddisk (e.g. \Programs\ANt Music Catalog). Now delete all files from inside the languages, scripts and templates folder. Then copy all files from the AntMusicCatalog zip file to the new installation folder. Everything what's inside "Languages" goes to "Languages" on your installation. Same for the other folders (scripts, templates). Copy the ico files to your new Music Catalog main folder.

Now you can change the symbol (icon) for the link on your desktop (rightclick on the symbol, choose preferences, change symbol - or similar, as I have german desktop here).

Now run the program and choose Music Catalog language file on startup (if it doesn't ask for it, go to "Languages" on the menu.

That should do the job. You should download additional or updated music script files if available, e.g. from viewtopic.php?t=4404 or viewtopic.php?t=4414.

Note: It would be possible to run the music catalog straight from your Ant Movie Catalog installation and switch between using different options on startup, but it would be a little bit more tricky and only saves around 3MB space. I recommend doing a separate installation for both catalogs.

Posted: 2009-08-29 05:35:36
by caillou35
It seems to work. Thank you for your help