Can't drag and drop folders onto files window in Win Vista

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Can't drag and drop folders onto files window in Win Vista

Post by kuhsay »

If I run Ant Renamer as an Administrator, I cannot drag and drop folders onto the Ant Renamer files list like I can if I run the application with normal privileges mode. Dragging and dropping files/folders as an admin just gives me a blank screen and nothing seems to happen.

I need to run as an admin sometimes when the files I am renaming are in an odd location and not in my home directory. If I do not run as admin, Ant Renamer thinks the files get renamed but they do not. No warning messages appear.
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Post by antp »

And I suppose that the program from which the folders are dropped from an explorer which is not run as admin?
If you run both as admin does it work?

I haven't tested much the use of the program in Vista with UAC enabled, I really should fix these problems some day.
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