CSV file import fails

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CSV file import fails

Post by yazper »


I can't get CSV file import to work. :(
First i saved my .xls list to .csv, then went to AMC and selected file > import > csv. There i loaded the .csv file and the list showed up just fine in the preview window. But when i want to click on the import button it says 'you did not assign a field to any column, click on column headers for this'. How exactly does this work? I can only check or uncheck the titles in the preview, when i double click nothing happens. Also tried all different parameters, nothing works. What am i doing wrong / overlooking?
Please help me out, i can't wait to use this great tool!
Thanks in advance! :)

By the way, the .csv contains only one column. (the movie name)
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Re: CSV file import fails

Post by bad4u »

yazper wrote:But when i want to click on the import button it says 'you did not assign a field to any column, click on column headers for this'. How exactly does this work?
You need to click on the header of the column that you want to assign to a field. When you click on the empty column header (= the grey field above your movie list), a list with all AMC fields will show up. Now you have to "teach" AMC into which field a column of your csv file should be imported. For your titles you probably would assign field "Original Title" :


You can find more information when you click on the help button.
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Post by yazper »

It's working now :D
Thanks a lot for your help!
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Post by antp »

:??: that screenshot is from an old version of AMC, no?
Well, the explanation is still good :D
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Post by bad4u »

Old version ? Yes. But it's still the one you have on your AMC sources :D
I was just too lazy to make a new screenshot ^^
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Post by AoF-Neptune »

bad4u wrote:Old version ? Yes. But it's still the one you have on your AMC sources :D
I was just too lazy to make a new screenshot ^^
Ok, was wondering why you had some french titles in your movie list as translated titles. You know what ? I think Antoine is lazy too because there is still some old stuff on his sources.

(A prendre au second degré évidemment Antoine !)
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Post by antp »

:lol: Indeed it is a screenshot that I made
it is in the help file? I do not even remember from where it is
maybe I should update that
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Post by bad4u »

It was in the previous helpfile, not in the current one I guess. But it's still included on helpfile's sources ;)
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Post by antp »

Thanks ;)
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