BONJOUR je trouverais sympa dans ce topic que l on liste les mods avec des liens pour les teleharger
mods bd livres cd ......
merci d avance je viens de decouvrir ce logiciel il est geant merci a son createur et ses modeurs
hello i will find nice to do a list with download links for each mods bd video games music (cd).....
tanks and i love this software
LISTE DES MODS mods lists
Feel free to start such a list 
But it is hard to keep such list up-to-date, as all mods are hosted on different locations and the files often dissapear after a while, so that the links are broken.
Maybe it would make sense if someone collects, hosts and updates all the mods on one common place in case they disappear from their original locations - same for the templates. Some kind of archives..

But it is hard to keep such list up-to-date, as all mods are hosted on different locations and the files often dissapear after a while, so that the links are broken.
Maybe it would make sense if someone collects, hosts and updates all the mods on one common place in case they disappear from their original locations - same for the templates. Some kind of archives..