
Comments & Suggestions, if you want a new feature suggest it here
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Joined: 2008-06-26 14:35:50


Post by fleXfuX »

| |-Titel
| | |-Titel - CD 01
| | | |-Track 01
| | | |-Track 02
| | | |-Track 03
| | |-Titel - CD 02
| | | |-Track 01
| | | |-Track 02
| | | |-Track 03
| | |-Titel - CD 03
| | | |-Track 01
| | | |-Track 02
| | | |-Track 03

| |-Titel
| | |-Titel - CD 01
| | | |-Track 01
| | | |-Track 02
| | | |-Track 03
| | |-Titel - CD 02
| | | |-Track 01
| | | |-Track 02
| | | |-Track 03
| | |-Titel - CD 03
| | | |-Track 01
| | | |-Track 02
| | | |-Track 03

| |-Titel
| | |-Titel - CD 01
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | |-Titel - CD 02
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | |-Titel - CD 03
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | | |-%num1% - %folder3% - %folder1% - Kapitel %num2%
| | | |-03 – Autor01 – Titel – CD 03 – Kapitel 007

| |-Titel
| | |-Titel - CD 01
| | | |-01 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 01 – Kapitel 001
| | | |-02 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 01 – Kapitel 002
| | | |-03 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 01 – Kapitel 003
| | |-Titel - CD 02
| | | |-01 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 02 – Kapitel 004
| | | |-02 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 02 – Kapitel 005
| | | |-03 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 02 – Kapitel 006
| | |-Titel - CD 03
| | | |-01 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 03 – Kapitel 007
| | | |-02 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 03 – Kapitel 008
| | | |-03 – Autor02 – Titel – CD 03 – Kapitel 009

the Ant Renamer is a good programm with plenty of potential. The most rename-programms cannot meet my demands.
I’ve tried to show my problem with the tree stucture above.
This folder construct helps me to organize my mp3-audibook collection. Once every track has its own name (shown by Autor02) I can easily mp3-tag them.
Lets look closer at %num1% and %num2%. As u see %num1% starts in every new folder with 1. %num2% counts up as long as the audiobook titel does not change.

What i need is a option to count up two or more counters separated from each other. Additionally I would need a option to set the point wher the %num% paramter occurs in the filename similar to the action „string insertion“ (at position)

So long
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Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

That seems already a quite complicated task, especially if you want to make all in one pass rather than combining several actions in a job.
This could probably be solved if it was possible to specify when the reset to 0 of the %num% should occur (i.e. what folder level it has to check). This could be useful. I do not know when I would add that though.
But for your second request, do you mean that you would like to insert the number rather than appending it to current name? Indeed it is a limitation of the current system, though that if you add the number at the end you can later move it to where you want to put it using the "move characters" or using the regular expressions.
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