Helps to compile the "Source code" with delphi.

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Helps to compile the "Source code" with delphi.

Post by GlandeMan »

Good days and excuses for my Bad English;
I am trying to open with the collector Delphi 7 " Main Source Code V3.5.0.2 " but I receive mistakes and it does not allow to compile me.
I execute "MovieCatalog.dpr" and the system informs me about that the classes TAntJVSpinEdit, TAntJvComboEditXP, TEITree, TTBXDock, TTBXStatusBar, TTBXMRUList, TTBXPopupMenu, TAntStringList, TTBImagenList and TTBXSwitcher has not been found.
(Later it opens the project me, but on having compiled it does not find the necessary objects)
:??: :??:
I have downloaded the update for dephi (Delphi 7.1 Enterprise Update.exe) and all the "Additionnal components":

I believe that the problem is that the system does not find the necessary files because I have not extracted them in the correct directory.
Please someone might help?
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Post by antp »

You have to install all these components, not just extract the zip.
For each component there are at least two .dpk file (usually with a 7 in their name, for Delphi 7) one being runtime and the other design time (with an extra D in the name then).
Open the runtime dpk, click "compile", open the design time dpk, click "compile" and then "install".
You may also have to add the path to .pas files of the components in tools -> environment -> library -> library path

Note: for only last step is required, as it is not really a "component" like the others, just a library.
Note also that you have to install tb2k before "tb2k-tbx".
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Post by bad4u »

I've got a related question, too.
Do you know, if it is possible to compile an AMC version with "Delphi 2007 Enterprise Trial" (14 days) and are the additional components free ?

It's just that I want to play around a bit (together with script for games) and do not have the money to buy such expensive software at this time. Or is there any free compiler available that could handle your code (but I don't think so at all) ?
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Post by antp »

It will probably not be so simple to compile it on non-7 versions of Delphi, but maybe you can find an old trial of Delphi 7 ? (though that the compiled program will not run as stand-alone I think, isn't that the main limitation of trial version?)
There was a Personal Edition of Delphi 7, which came with some Delphi book, maybe it is possible to find that version on internet (and if it is legal to get it). Except for the statistics window (TChart component not included in that version), that version should be able to compile the program.
Another solution could be Delphi 6 Personal: that one was available for free from Borland at a time, so it should be still possible to find it from other sites. And I guess that all components are compilable under Delphi 6. Only things that you will lose are the statistics window (because of the Personal version) and WinXP theme compatibility.

These programs are indeed way too expensive for private people (900$). Long time ago I bought Delphi 5 standard which is cheaper (around 50-100$ if I remember well).
The Delphi 7 (Pro) that I use is the license from my work (as it is allowed to install it on multiple PCs as long as all these PCs are used by the same people).

Edit : well, there is maybe another solution. It seems that they are giving away a free basic version of the latest product, Turbo Delphi.
I am not sure of what it is exactly compared to the other Delphi releases, I'll try to check that tomorrow.
If it is possible to easily compile AMC on this I may try to make the required changes.
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Post by bad4u »

antp wrote:It will probably not be so simple to compile it on non-7 versions of Delphi, but maybe you can find an old trial of Delphi 7 ?
That was my mistake, I thought 2007 was the same as Version 7.
So you could be right, maybe it's possible I find a cheaper (or used) version 6 or 7 on the net. And just for playing around it must be really cheap.. ;)
(and if it is legal to get it)
Believe me, illegal is no option for me.. that is why I like open source (and other free) software that much.
There are only 2 or 3 programs (and a missing raid driver) that still make me use windows, else I would change to ubuntu completly :p
Edit : well, there is maybe another solution. It seems that they are giving away a free basic version of the latest product, Turbo Delphi. .
This site looks really interesting. I'll have a closer look on it, too. Thanks !
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Post by antp »

bad4u wrote:
(and if it is legal to get it)
Believe me, illegal is no option for me.. that is why I like open source (and other free) software that much.
I was not suggesting to get an illegal version ;)
I do not know if it is legal or not to get something that was previously free but that is not anymore.
I am not even sure that it is legal to buy second-hand software (many licenses forbid that).
About using Windows, it is in a way the same for me: if I had a little more time to learn Linux, and especially if there wasn't AMC & Ant Renamer ( + Simcity 4 & DTM Race Driver that I sometimes play), I would probably already have switched to some Linux distribution.
As for the other things that I do it would work as fine as Windows (watching movies, reading e-mail, surfing, developping/managing sites, ...)
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Post by bad4u »

antp wrote:I am not even sure that it is legal to buy second-hand software (many licenses forbid that).
As far as I know it is allowed, at least here in Germany. There are even companies that deal with used software and licenses. Same with unbundling OEM/systembuilder versions, that Microsoft tried to forbid to be sold separatly. But at the same time - as far as I remember - Oracle won a lawsuit against a software dealer that sold used oracle licenses only - without the software itself... but I think that's getting o.t. ;)
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Post by antp »

You can forget the Free Turbo Delphi...


it only works with Borland default components :/
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I am unable to execute the collector.

Post by GlandeMan »

I am unable to execute the collector.
The steps that I have followed are the following ones:

- I create the directory “C:\Archivos de programa\Borland\Delphi7\Source\amc_sources”

- In the same directory, I extract the content of the file “amc_sources.rar”

- In the created directory “C:\Archivos de programa\Borland\Delphi7\Source\amc_sources\Movie Catalog”, I extract the content of the files:

- I add the route of the files .pas of these components in:
“tools -> environment -> library -> library path”

- For each component I look for his respective files "run time" and " design time" .dpk with the number 7 in his names and compile and install them

One to time done quite, I Execute the file "MovieCatalog.dpr" and it shows himself a mistake:
TTBXDock not found.

If I cancel the mistake and execute the project, the collector shows the following mistake:
[Fatal Error] ElStrUtils.pas(838): Could not create output file 't:\Delphi\DCU\Movie Catalog\ElStrUtils.dcu'
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Post by antp »

The error about TBXDock is probably because you did not install the package of TBXdock, or did not add the path to the .pas file with same name.
About the other error, mentionning a "t:" drive, you have to go in the project options in Delphi and delete the "output" folder mentionning that path (on my PC I located temp output file to another folder)
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tb2k_d7 can’t be installed

Post by GlandeMan »

Before anything it wanted to give you my gratefulness by the help that you giving me. :) :grinking:

I have been able to solve to the error “[Fatal Error] ElStrUtils.pas (838)” going to the options of Delphi and eliminating the route “Output”.
However not yet I have been able to solve the error of about “TBXDock”.As your you said, it is very probable that the error takes place by tool “TBX” because the system does not let to me install it correctly. :badidea:
I have read the file of help “TBX Reference.chm”. Where it indicates to you that the steps to follow in the installation:

1. Locate files Patch.exe, _cvs_patch-*.bat, and _cvs_patch-*.diff in the $(tbx)\Diffs directory. Copy these files to $(tb2k)\Source.
2. Run the _cvs_patch-*.bat file to apply the patch. Original files before modification will be saved automatically with the ‘.orig’ extension. You can use these files to undo the patching process.
3. Add Toolbar2000 Source directory to Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path.
4. Compile and install the tb2kdsgn_* package corresponding to IDE version. If a dialog box pops up asking you to save the package, choose ‘No’.
5. Add TBX installation directory to Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path.
6. Compile and install the tbxdsgn_* package corresponding to IDE version. If a dialog box pops up asking you to save the package, choose ‘No’.

In step 6, when installing tbxdsgn_7.dpk show me the following error to me:
Package C:\Archivos de programas \Borland\Delphi7\ projects\bpl\tb2k_d7 can’t be installed because it’s not a design time package.Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded? [Y/N]

If execute the project, the collector the ‘windows messages’ shows the following mistake:
[Error] TBXUtils.pas(920): Incompatible types: 'TRect' and 'Pointer'.
[Fatal Error] TBX.pas(16): Could not compile used unit 'TBXUtils.pas'
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Post by antp »

Files do not have to be patched, since actually TBX is already installer/linked with TB2K in the version that I provided.
You just have to install the DPK files from the files of the archive of my site, without doing any change (maybe try to reextract the zip in case you made changes).
About that error on TRect/Pointer, what is the line concerned by that error?
I do not have the source code with me and am unable to get it here currently.
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it continues me without working.

Post by GlandeMan »

I have uninstall the older package, I have returned to reextract "" and to install the package "tb2kdsgn_d7.dpk", but it continues me without working. :cry:
Related to the topic .. I must do something with the package ""?

The mistake "[Error] TBXUtils.pas(920): Incompatible types: 'TRect' and 'Pointer'" appears in the line 920:35

procedure DrawDraggingOutline(DC: HDC; const NewRect, OldRect: TRect);
Sz: TSize;
Sz.CX := 3; Sz.CY := 2;
DrawHalftoneInvertRect(DC, @NewRect, @OldRect, Sz, Sz);

The mistake "[Fatal Error] TBX.pas(16): Could not compile used unit 'TBXUtils.pas'" appears in the line 16:57

Windows, Messages, Classes, SysUtils, Controls, Graphics, ImgList, Forms, TB2Item, TB2Dock, TB2Toolbar, TB2ToolWindow, TB2Anim, TBXUtils, TBXThemes;
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Post by antp »

I do not know why it does not work.
But in the version that I currently use for AMC 3.5.1 these lines were changed.
AMC 3.5.0 should compile too with that new version, so I updated the file on my server: ...
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I am going to begin again.

Post by GlandeMan »

Ok, I am going to erase the project and am going to begin again.

I have taken all the new components of your folder
"Ftp: //"
That more files I need?

I have seen that you have two versions of amc_sources: Amc_sources_351b6.rar and amc_sources.rar

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Post by antp »

The one with 351b6 are source of an intermediate beta version.
This morning I updated the main source file in addition of few others, for the release of version 3.5.1
All what you need is described in the readme file included in the sources rar file, if I did not forget anything.
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Post by LA »

could somebody pls help me? how to install component ElTree? which file should I run? it is possible to install dcleltD7.dpk, but not possible to install dcleltD7.dpk, because this is not design time package. Once this option of package is changed, installation is possible.
But still when compile AntMovieCatalog project, I get error:

Code: Select all

[Fatal Error] AntTranslator.pas(64): File not found: 'Eltree.dcu'

now I've copied all ElTree files to Movie Catalog folder and get another error:
[Fatal Error] ElStrUtils.pas(837): Could not create output file 'E:\Delphi-DCU\Movie Catalog\ElStrUtils.dcu'
but I don't have E:\Delphi-DCU\Movie Catalog\ path. My Delphi is installed at another disk and folder...

Isn't it possible to create one ready-to-install component with all components included? It will be very useful for all! Pls somebody...
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Post by antp »

- you have to compile eltreeD7.dpk before installing dcleltD7.dpk
I do not know why it would not install (you have Delphi 7, right?)
This is not mandatory for compiling the program, but it is to be able to open the forms containing that component (main form and loans form)
- rather than copying all the files to AMC folder, you should add in Tools -> Library the path to the source of Eltree.
- the "e:" path is where I redirect all temp compilation files on my PC and I forget to clear it each time I make the source zip file. You can clear it in the Project -> Options dialog.

Installing components is not very hard, basically you have to first add paths to .pas files in the Library options, then double click on each dpk and click compile, then install for the "Design" ones.
I do not know if it is possible to make an automated thing, but I do not plan to do it anyway (for the reason mentioned above... it is easy to install components)
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Post by Speed »

Hi antp.

I am trying to compile eltreeD7.dpk but I get this message:

[Fatal Error] Could not create output file 'c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\eltreeD7.bpl'

I didn't understand what to change the path "E:\Delphi-DCU\Movie Catalog\" on my computer? where shoud I put all temp compilation files?
maybe this is my problem?

when I try to Run the main "movie catalog" project I recive this error:
[Fatal Error] AntTranslator.pas(64): File not found: 'Eltree.dcu'

probably because "ElTree Lite 2.78" component isn't installed...

another error I get when trying to install Indy 9.0:
when I open dclIndy70.dpk and try installing I recieve this error:
the same error for Indy70.dpk

I have Delphi Enterprise v7.0 (Built 4.453)
I read that you specify that "Update 1" is a requirement. where can i check to see if it is installed on my PC?

I placed the project source code in folder "c:\AMC"

I went to “Tools -> Environment Options -> Library -> Library path” and apended the route "C:\AMC\ElTree Lite 2.78\ElTree\Code\Source" to the recognized paths list.

here is my current path list:
  • $(DELPHI)\Lib;$(DELPHI)\Bin;$(DELPHI)\Imports;$(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl;$(DELPHI)\Rave5\Lib;C:\AMC\amc_sources\Movie Catalog;C:\AMC\amc_sources\Common;C:\AMC\amc_sources\ifps;C:\AMC\antcomponents;C:\AMC\antcomponents\xml;C:\AMC\Toolbar 2000 & TBX\Toolbar2000\Source;C:\AMC\Toolbar 2000 & TBX\Toolbar2000\Packages;C:\AMC\ElTree Lite 2.78\ElTree\Code;C:\AMC\ElTree Lite 2.78\ElTree\Code\Source;C:\AMC\ElTree Lite 2.78\ElTree\Code\Design;C:\AMC\Indy 9.0\Indy;C:\AMC\SynEdit 2\SynEdit;C:\AMC\SynEdit 2\SynEdit\Packages;C:\AMC\SynEdit 2\SynEdit\Source;C:\AMC\SynEdit 2\SynEdit\SynGen;C:\AMC\SynEdit 2\SynEdit\Demos;C:\AMC\TPNGImage;C:\AMC\TPNGImage\obj
What am I forgetting?

Thanks in advance
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Post by antp »

Just delete the path "e:\...", I added that on my PC to have DCUs put in another temp folder, but if you simply do not mention a path they go in source code folder. Or you can put any folder that you want, e.g. c:\AMC\DCU (create the folder first)

For Indy, you have to remove the v7 before install the v9. You have to do that from Delphi's setup (running setup again, or go in add/remove programs to change the install, in both cases you can change installed components).
I do not know how to see that the Update1 is installed :/ Only difference that I noticed is that Help calls in AMC fail if that update is not there, so you'll see once AMC is compiled :D
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