Before anything it wanted to give you my gratefulness by the help that you giving me.
I have been able to solve to the error “[Fatal Error] ElStrUtils.pas (838)” going to the options of Delphi and eliminating the route “Output”.
However not yet I have been able to solve the error of about “TBXDock”.As your you said, it is very probable that the error takes place by tool “TBX” because the system does not let to me install it correctly.
I have read the file of help “TBX Reference.chm”. Where it indicates to you that the steps to follow in the installation:
1. Locate files Patch.exe, _cvs_patch-*.bat, and _cvs_patch-*.diff in the $(tbx)\Diffs directory. Copy these files to $(tb2k)\Source.
2. Run the _cvs_patch-*.bat file to apply the patch. Original files before modification will be saved automatically with the ‘.orig’ extension. You can use these files to undo the patching process.
3. Add Toolbar2000 Source directory to Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path.
4. Compile and install the tb2kdsgn_* package corresponding to IDE version. If a dialog box pops up asking you to save the package, choose ‘No’.
5. Add TBX installation directory to Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path.
6. Compile and install the tbxdsgn_* package corresponding to IDE version. If a dialog box pops up asking you to save the package, choose ‘No’.
In step 6, when installing tbxdsgn_7.dpk show me the following error to me:
Package C:\Archivos de programas \Borland\Delphi7\ projects\bpl\tb2k_d7 can’t be installed because it’s not a design time package.Do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded? [Y/N]
If execute the project, the collector the ‘windows messages’ shows the following mistake:
[Error] TBXUtils.pas(920): Incompatible types: 'TRect' and 'Pointer'.
[Fatal Error] TBX.pas(16): Could not compile used unit 'TBXUtils.pas'