quick organizing question

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quick organizing question

Post by scorpio_vette »

hi there. thanks for such a great program. i've been looking for a program like this for quite a while, and this is the best one i've found.

i have a quick question.

i organize my movies in alphabetical order, BUT i keep the movies seperate by single movies, and movie sets (spiderman, spiderman 2, etc...)

when i enter the movie names, it organizes all the movies in alphabetical order, which is fine. but is there some option or setting so the program shows 2 groups??? single movies in alphabetical order, and movie sets in alphabetical order???

thanks for your help.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007-07-21 03:36:44

Post by scorpio_vette »

just thought of one other thing.

is there any way to make a wishlist??? for example. if i add shrek and shrek 2, it would be cool if i could click on shrek 3 and add it to a "movies to purchase" list. and then later down the road when the movie comes out, i can click on that one and click on a button that says "purchased" or something like that, and it adds it to the movie collection.

does that make any sense???
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Post by bad4u »

There is no special field for that, but you can do this by using some (empty) fields you don't need for other purposes.

I.e. I don't need "Framerate" so I use it for "Age Rating" (what is in Germany FSK12, FSK16, FSK18..). Simply use it for your purposes and insert "purchased", "wishlist" or anything else - and on the next film you can use the drop-down-list for that (if the field has one).

Now you can use the "Group by" function from the tools menu (or rightclick on the filmlist) to sort the list for "Framerate" and your films will be shown on a tree sorted under "purchased" and "wishlist" ..

Same thing with single movies and movie sets. Use i.e. the "Source" field (with "single film", "movie set", "part of a series") and then the "Group by" function. You can use fields without drop-down-list, too, but then it's less comfortable ;)

If you don't like the "wrong" fieldname you could edit your language file from the "AntMovieCatalog/Language" directory. In the "Frame" section you can find the field names.
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Post by antp »

For the wish list, you can also store it in a separate movie list (i.e. separate .amc file) and use the "copy movie info" / "paste movie info" icons to copy these info from your wish list to the newly added movie in your owned list once you own it.
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007-07-21 03:36:44

Post by scorpio_vette »

cool. thanks for the tips.
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