Algunos de los Scripts no aparecen en el Scripting

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Algunos de los Scripts no aparecen en el Scripting

Post by kurtog »

Revise la Carpeta Scripts y salen muchos más scripts de los que figuran en la ventana de Scripting.

¿Como los puedo Activar?

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Post by antp »

:??: Sorry but I only understand English & French
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Post by folgui »

He says that in the scripts-folder there are more scripts that those that appear at scripting-window of amc. Some of them seem to be not available (light-gray in list).

Regards, folgui.
Thermal Ions
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Post by Thermal Ions »

En la ventana scripting, chascar encendido el filtro de la lengua y seleccionar todos. Esto debe entonces exhibir todas las escrituras. :grinking:
Apesadumbrado, traducido usando Google.

"In the scripting window, click on the Language Filter and Select All. This should then display all the scripts.
Sorry, translated using Google."

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Post by antp »

Those that appear in light grey are scripts from AMC 3.3/3.4 I think, i.e. that were not converted to AMC 3.5 format.
Also some script are not displayed if you can the window through "Get info from script" (F6) but only when using "Scripting" (Shift+F6), these are the scripts that do not import info from internet sites.
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