Multiply selection fields

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Multiply selection fields

Post by schakal »

Hello, antp!
Great job!

Could you please add new features in future releases:
1) New field "quality". It is usefull field if your collection contains a lot of moview with different quality.

2) Multiply audio streams field. I have many movies with 2 and more audio streams (original and translated), but AMC does not support them. Probably audio format and language fields should be united and allow to enter multiply entries. Also attribute "Translation" will be helpfull. For example:
Audio Streams:
Lang Translation Format Channels Freq, Hz Bitrate, Kbps
EN Voxware MetaSound 2 44100
RU Goblin Voxware MetaSound 2 44100

3) Multiply subtitles field similars to audio streams.

Thank you!
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Post by antp »

In a future version I will add new fields, but I can't add too much of them without redesigning the main window, or it will not fit on some small monitors.
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