Urgent! Need help

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Urgent! Need help

Post by fidoboy »

I've lost all my movies collection (the .amc file) but i already have the exported XML file and all the pictures. The problem is that when i save it as .amc again the pictures are not embedded with the catalog itself. Another problem is that there is many films with bad characters in picture's name (for example Mi catalogo_El Emperador Y Sus Locuras (The Emperor’s New Groove).jpg) in the catalog the ’ char is replaced by ? and ant movies can't find the right picture. Can anybody help me to solve this? How can i rename ALL pictures using its movie number and link it again into catalog?

Many thanks in advance,

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Post by antp »

To put pictures back inside the catalog you can use the "Image import for Ant Movie Catalog" tool available from http://www.antp.be/software/moviecatalog/download
About those that have wrong names, I wonder how it happened.
If you have the same character set /country / language defined in your windows regional settings than what you had for exporting that file, then it should work fine (well, on my PC it worked with a ’ in a title).

PS: even if it is "urgent" (why more urgent than questions of the others btw?) you could have put a better subject/title. Of course you "need help" since you posted in "help" section :p
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