Nr. Field accept no characters

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Nr. Field accept no characters

Post by vipyammer »

Newby here...

The Nr. field does not accept characters??? Only numbers will be accepted. Is there a way to change this???

Greeting Vipyammer
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Post by antp »

"Number" can only contain a "Number". It cannot be changed :p
The "Media Label" field is there if you want to include other info.
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Joined: 2006-07-21 08:29:35

Post by Beaker »

I wouldnt mind at all if it was possible to use characters in the number field. Would come very mush in handy when, as i, is going to need a new case soon. Numbering the entries with A1 or B432 an so on would make life a lot easier.
Please consider implementing this feature in an upcoming update.

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Post by antp »

As I said, the "media label" field that was made for that.
In the future I will add fields and add possibility to use that one as number column, but I do not think that I will change the number fields to text fields.
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