Hi there!
There is a small problem witch sorting. When I choose to sort my base alphabeticaly (by original titles) ANT is "taking" all new added movies all the way on top of the list (number 1, 2 etc). I have to choose Sort from menu again to have the list sorted. Is there a way to repair this ??
Sorry for my english. It's late here in Poland ;-D
Sorting again
Yes - it had exactly number one. I even tested it once more few secs. ago on Bad Company... First it got number 1 and was on top of the list. When I choose renumber option again it went bac on the right place in list
But... just before this I added another movie (Spirit: Stallion ... ) and it was renumbered corectly (I didn't have to choose "renumber" twice)...This is Strange
Oh and maybe this will help you - "Ask for number" and "Use first available number..." in Preferences--> Movie Information are both unchecked (so ANT is adding new entries at the end of the list first)

But... just before this I added another movie (Spirit: Stallion ... ) and it was renumbered corectly (I didn't have to choose "renumber" twice)...This is Strange

Oh and maybe this will help you - "Ask for number" and "Use first available number..." in Preferences--> Movie Information are both unchecked (so ANT is adding new entries at the end of the list first)