DVD template - 2 DVDs in a box, numbers

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DVD template - 2 DVDs in a box, numbers

Post by ultramarine »

I have a kinda problem:
I have 2 DVDs in a box, on both of them up to six DivX movies, so I habe a template to print out contens of two DVDs on one cover. I have two problems:
1] How do I sort the movies according to a MediaLabel, so that in the Master Data they will be first the movies with label lets say 047 and then 048 - now it seems to me they are randomly chosen [always in the same random way] :)
2] On the cover of the DVD, i'd like to have info for each film but only two numbers of the DVDs {I mean MediaLabels}. So if i have 4 movies on DVD MediaLabel="047" and 5 movies on DVD MediaLabel="048" I'd like to have these number printed only once, can I group the movies for printing likewise?

thanks a lot
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Post by antp »

1) in the "sort by" frame of the print window, click "advanced" button. Add the media label and number fields to the list, so it will sort first by media label and then by number.
2) I do not think that it is possible. I should make working the master/detail system for that.

Post by ultramarine »

Thanks a lot for your quick answer
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