A suggestion to ease adding pictures and information

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A suggestion to ease adding pictures and information

Post by Liddan »

Quite often I find a need for a function to add information/image to a number of several movies/series.
I will try to explain what kind of function I am asking for.

I mark for example 1-10, now I right-click to bring up the menu.
In the menu something like "Edit ->" or the like can be clicked.
Something like this:

Code: Select all

|  Add...          Alt+Ins  |
|  Delete          Alt+Del  |
|  Get Information      ->  |  -----------------------------
|  Edit                 ->  |--|  Add Image                |
| ------------------------- |  | ------------------------- |
| Select Checked            |  | Edit field 1              |
| Select Unchecked          |  | Edit field 2              |
| ------------------------- |  | Edit field 3              |
| Group By              ->  |  | Edit field 4              |
| Display As Grid      F11  |  | Edit field 5              |
-----------------------------  | And more fields           |
When one choose to edit a field for example "Country:" a small text-window will open where you can type in wanted text and it will appear in all country fields of the selected movies/series.

I hope I was able to explain what I suggested, my english is limited.
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Post by antp »

To edit a field for several movies it can be done with Tools -> Scripting (or shift+F6) then "Update all fields" script.
In the future I will probably integrate that better in the menus.
For the picture, what would the "add image" do when multiple movies are selected?
Posts: 9
Joined: 2005-03-23 01:09:03

Post by Liddan »

antp wrote:For the picture, what would the "add image" do when multiple movies are selected?
It would do the same thing as "Select a picture... (Shift+F7)" but for multiple series.

Another feature request: Mass "paste".

Which would mean that I could copy one movie and then mark a number of empty entries(or what should I call an unused movie slot?) to paste that information in all those entries.
Posts: 9
Joined: 2005-03-23 01:09:03

Post by Liddan »

Another request for a small feature...
Some way to mark a movie, like a small flag visuable in the list.
To mark unseen movies with.

Thanks for your time once again.
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Post by antp »

There are checkboxes for that (Tools -> Prefs -> Movie list -> Checkboxes, if they are not visible)
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