i have a little request for the html export
for users with big movie lists (like me

because when you load the html file from the web server, it takes some more seconds than usual, because the browser only shows the content of the table after he had loaded the whole table.
for that i have a request:
is it possible to split the table into 25 tables each with movies from a specific letter. so that you got tables with movies beginning with a, b, c....,z + # (numbers and signs)?
this would be much better, because the files would show during the loading process the first tables until the others are loaded

is this possible to add such a feature to the html export?
this would require a new item like $$ITEM_TITLE_BEGIN and $$ITEM_TITLE_END
then i could create a table title part which contains the letter (all movies with "a", "b"...) and the table part as it is now, just the export knows, now only all movies beginnig with "a"...
i hope you got what i mean
second request is just a reminder:
add the possibility to save a url for the picture in the db and then the flatrate users can just load the picture from the web and also i can export that link into my online movie list

btw, check out my movies list, then you know why i posted this request:
bad joker