Moviemeter script

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Moviemeter script

Post by spiderman »

when i try to update info with the script i get an HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request error

it looks like moviemeter had a design change
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Re: Moviemeter script

Post by antp »

This was reported to me by e-mail, indeed there is a problem.
However it seems that the main problem is not so easy to fix.
For the moment it seems that only the first connection to the site works, so you should provide to AMC the URL of the movie page instead of just the title, otherwise the first (working) request is for the search and the next one (not working) is for the movie retrieval.
Even with that, some info are not properly retrieved, but the one who reported it via e-mail was trying to fix some of these things, so a new version may come but it is not sure when it will be fully working.
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Re: Moviemeter script

Post by spiderman »


thanks for the update. hopefully a new script will be available
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Re: Moviemeter script

Post by antp »

An updated script has been published, but it only solves some of the problems with importing the data.
Problem with the search leading to a "Bad Request" error is still to be investigated.
So for now the script still has to be used with the movie page URL provided instead of the title.
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