Bug with selecting checked, groups and get information

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Bug with selecting checked, groups and get information

Post by UMX »

Bug in v3.5.0 beta5

i have 320 avi-files in amc db, winXP SP1

if step-by-step,
1. check all movies
2. group by borrower (in my db show 2 groups: "QQQ" and "NONE")
3. right click on group "NONE", enter "Select whole group" in menu
4. uncheck movies (by right click)
5. select all checked movies in group QQQ (by right click on group!!!!) THIS IS BUG
6. SHIFT+F10 (get information from internet using a script...)

why after this steps, inserted new movie with numer in db?
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Post by antp »


OK, I see the bug. At first I did not understood what was the link between point 6 and the others, but I see: even if the movies in the group are selected, the group itself stays focused and so the scripting thinks that no valid movies are selected.
I'll correct it. Thanks for the info :)
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