Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
an option for showing only the SEEN or NOT SEEN movies (actually i con only select seen/unseen ones, but i cannto see them as 2 groups).
i could be useful to analyze which movie are unseen for deciding which one i'll watch, without watching all my list.
In version 3.5 it will be possible to group movies by their Checked status or to search those that have their field "Checked" = true or = false.
(both already possible in version 3.5 beta 5).
à la limite en ettendant, tu peux mettre comme personne ayant emprunté le film et tu classe sur ce critère
par contre (j'ai pas regardé si ct demandé) ce serait bien de pouvoir trier selon plusières critères (genre si tu as envie de reagarder un film d'action réçent tu trie par type et date)
i'm trying 3.5 but the script import is more unstable with some scripts so my "official" program is 3.4.3.
i'll continue with older and testing newest too.
I agree with you, plz speak english people... io posso tranquillamente parlare in italiano ma non tutti capirebbero (i can easily speak in italian but few of us should understand)