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Amazon (large pic) modify for working

Posted: 2004-12-07 21:44:54
by MercurieVV
May be amazone change some code, but many pictures have not downloaded. I correct a code for that plugin, for normal work.
Its around #105 line

Code: Select all

    if (FindLine('Below are results for',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) OR (FindLine('All results',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) OR (FindLine('Results for',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) OR (FindLine('Most popular results for',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) then
I add a search condition 'Results for'.

Posted: 2004-12-07 23:09:40
by antp
Thanks for the info :)

Posted: 2004-12-15 13:45:21
by Sanaa
Where is in Imdb script search result (Years) of Movies?

Posted: 2004-12-15 15:22:15
by antp
sorry, I do not understand your question :??:

Posted: 2004-12-18 14:00:43
by KoVaR
it's not working :(

Posted: 2004-12-18 14:20:01
by antp
What's the problem ?
If you get an error when running the script, try to remove the "NOHTML" parts from the above code.

Posted: 2004-12-18 19:52:04
by Guest
Earlier in result of search was year of movie release,but now it is not present

Ex: Mummy, The (2002)
Mummy, The (1968)
Mummy, The (1922)....

now: Mummy, The
Mummy, The
Mummy, The

Posted: 2004-12-18 20:18:11
by antp
you mean IMDB ? (this thread was about Amazon)

IMDB script has been fixed : viewtopic.php?t=1678

Posted: 2004-12-20 14:59:52
by Guest
antp wrote:What's the problem ?
If you get an error when running the script, try to remove the "NOHTML" parts from the above code.
Just tried that and still not working

Code: Select all

Script error: AMAZONIMPORT at position 3230 (then expected)

Posted: 2004-12-20 16:37:17
by antp
please copy the full line where the error is, including 1 or 2 previous and next lines ;)

Posted: 2004-12-20 17:01:38
by Sanaa
Sorry, i did no see


but (for imdb (big)+amazon script) sometimes big pictures do not downloaded, for example it is possible to check up on "Scary movie"

If i start "Sacary movie 1", picture big, if second part - small picture

Posted: 2004-12-20 19:40:50
by antp
I know, there are problems with IMDB big picture script, but that's since a long time.

Posted: 2004-12-24 18:15:37
by KoVaR
I am not sure if I did this corretly
It goes like this:
Amazon (large pic).ifs stopped working
As MercurieVV suggested I replaced this line (line # 103)

Code: Select all

   if (FindLine('Below are results for',AmazonPage,1) <> -1) OR (FindLine('All results',AmazonPage,1) <> -1) OR (FindLine('Most popular results for',AmazonPage,1) <> -1) then
with this one

Code: Select all

   if (FindLine('Below are results for',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) OR (FindLine('All results',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) OR (FindLine('Results for',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) OR (FindLine('Most popular results for',AmazonPageNOHTML,0) <> -1) then
Now Im getting this error I wrote about, in this line
(I also tried removing NOHTML from it but no effect)
I start to think I did something wrong...
How should I understand this sentence:
I add a search condition 'Results for'.

Posted: 2004-12-25 10:30:09
by antp
Except if a string (text between '...') is cut on two lines, I do not know what could cause a problem :/

Posted: 2004-12-26 13:50:57
by KoVaR
Is there any working Amazon large pic script ?

Posted: 2004-12-26 14:41:30
by antp
For me it works with the modifications from first post of the topic :

Posted: 2004-12-28 22:30:36
by KoVaR
It's working :grinking:
but how so I update imdb script to get images from amazon ?
simply adding amazon script at the end of imdb script will do it ?

Posted: 2004-12-29 12:06:01
by antp
No, it is not so easy.
And if it was easy, I would have done it already :p