EAN and automation of the scripts for better import

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EAN and automation of the scripts for better import

Post by Guest »


I use AMC for a while, but I need it for another task :
I already have a plain text file which contain all titles of my movies.

I already have imported them, but, I want now to use the script from any french database to receive all informations of the movies.
I have found an idea (get information, select all the movies and run the script), but I don't want to click "OK" for all my thousand films. On the same way, I'd like the script not to ask me when it found many films, but directly select them all...

Is there any solution ?

My second question is about the EAN or ISBN of each DVD. Is there a solution to get them ?

Thank you for answers.

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Re: EAN and automation of the scripts for better import

Post by antp »

Anonymous wrote: I already have imported them, but, I want now to use the script from any french database to receive all informations of the movies.
I have found an idea (get information, select all the movies and run the script), but I don't want to click "OK" for all my thousand films. On the same way, I'd like the script not to ask me when it found many films, but directly select them all...
In the Allociné script there are options for that I think. Check ScorEpioN's topic.
Anonymous wrote: My second question is about the EAN or ISBN of each DVD. Is there a solution to get them ?
If a site provides it, yes, if the script for this site exploits that.
But I do not think that currently a script does that.
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