Renaming a larger folder structure (unicode names)

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Renaming a larger folder structure (unicode names)

Post by Guest »

I used Ant Renamer 2.07 in order to rename a folder structure of some 160 folders and 5.000 files on a WinXP SP2 machine and came across the following problem:

- Originally, the folders and files had cyrillic unicode filenames.
- I wanted to rename them to their western transscriptions.
- For this purpose, I created a table to map cyrillic to western characters via "multiple string replacement"
- I then clicked "Go" and it processed all files and folders.

However, not all of them were renamed. The recursion went only to approximately the next subdirectory (I didn't pay too much notice to details, because I just wanted to have my files renamed). For the lower levels of the structure, the logfile said something about "could not find the file" or maybe "...access the file" (as I wrote, I didn't pay too close attention).

There was a simple solution to my problem:

- click "Remove all" in the "files" dialogue
- adding the folder structure again
- click "Go" again

and this for several times.

Every time the renaming process went down a little deeper into my folder structure. I always used the same entry point.

It seems to me that after a folder has been renamed, Ant Renamer still uses the old folder name to process the subfolders, which then is no longer valid. But this is just my guess; I am not a programmer.

I now have my folders and files named the way I want them - and this thanks to Ant Renamer. This posting is simply an attempt to say "Thank you for your good work" and especially for the fact that Ant Renamer is free. It saved me a lot of time. It's a cute programme, I like it very much. Thanks!
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Post by antp »

This problem is caused by a missing feature (which can be called a bug :o)
If you rename a folder, it does not modify the path of the files contained in this folder and that are in the files list (like what you said).
Until I correct this, the solution is to process all the folders and then all the files (changing the options in the "add" dialogs, it is quite easy to do that)

This is on my list of "to do" things ;)
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