blue border around picture

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blue border around picture

Post by kuzer »


I am brand new to this stuff, but finally i managed to import movie info
from databases. Then i look for a picture of the movie and copy in into my
working directory. When i export it, all looks great, except that there is
a blue border around the picture. When i click on the picture it brings
me to imbd and then the blue color round the picture has been change
to purple. So i guess it's a hyperlink.
Is there a way to change the color(s) of the link round the picture, or
to remove the link. ? I can't find anything, or i am looking at the wrong place.

Any help much appreciated.

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Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

Is it with one of the standard template or a custom one ?

If there is a <style>...</style> in the header of the HTML template, add the following line before the </style> (and before a "//-->" if there is one) :

Code: Select all

img { border: 0px; }
If you can't find a <style> tag, add just before the </head> the following :

Code: Select all

<style type="text/css">
img { border: 0px; }
I hope it is not too difficult ;)

Post by Guest »

Code: Select all

img { border: 0px; } 
It's working :grinking:


thanks again, much appreciated
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