how to get rid of line breaks in my script?

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Posts: 56
Joined: 2003-02-19 16:02:46

how to get rid of line breaks in my script?

Post by kolia »

ok, I'm working on a new script and I need your help.

the html from where I'm importing contains line breaks (line feeds) that I don't need, and when I try to put the line feed character in a script all I get is an error message...
does anybody know what special character I should use for a line feed comming from the web page? :/

(replacing "^p" or "#13#10" with "" doesn't work)
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Post by antp »

you have to replace #13#10, but without quotes since it is not part of a text string :

something := StringReplace(something, #13#10, ' ');
Posts: 56
Joined: 2003-02-19 16:02:46

Post by kolia »

I feel silly... :hihi:
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