Date Sort bug. 3.4.3

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Date Sort bug. 3.4.3

Post by Dejavu »

Version 3.4.3 - Build date 2004-03-02 - Windows XP.

When you group the tree by a date field, the sort is made using the string resulting from the date to string conversion acording to the regional settings of windows.
Of couse, this create a crazy index if you don't use YYYY/MM/DD as your regional setting for dates, very rare for normal users. ;)
This is a big headache for every Tree or List control used. The controls developers spect that we show a string as 20040404 to the user? :??: Why don't put a property to set this column as a date? (Sorry, programmer protest! :D
To the user posting topics... PLEASE... I PRAY YOU!!! Don't put just 'ERROR' or 'Bug' in the topic.. I spend 30 mins checking all this post for seek any previous post of this problem. :cry:

Sorry about my english, I speak spanish.
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Post by antp »

This is a known bug ;) (I should write all of them somewhere...)
Actually I personally use yyyy-mm-dd format :D
In the next version I will give more attention to the date sorting ;)
(usually I sort on the date itself and not on the displayed texte, and then the sort is easy; but the "group by" is an exception. One of the reason is some problems with the TElTree component that I use to display the list)

I couldn't agree more with you about the bad topic titles. In the "scripts" sections for example there are lots of topics with a title "need a script", "script problem" or similar :D
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