Minor bug about proxy setting

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Minor bug about proxy setting

Post by MaDFoX »

I've found a minor but very annoyable minor bug. If I set a proxy server for the scripts, the server address is NOT saved... the port is saved and if I check manually in the moviecatalog.xml the port is good, but the Proxy Use value is -1... If I correct the value ( 1 and add the Server=...) the program goes well, until next start... ...then goes back to the old wrong setting... ...so I've to enter the value every start...
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Post by antp »

-1 means True (0 means False), but the bug was that other proxy settings were not saved.
This bug has been corrected in the version 3.3.1 released on 08 August. So if you have an old version you should upgrade to this one...
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