export images to desired sub-directory

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export images to desired sub-directory

Post by MaXyM »

The problem I have is due to the pictures which are exported to the same dir like main .html file. Ofcourse I can replace some strings in html file and move images to i.e. img/ subdir. But it is far away from perfect solution.

I've tried to modify templates writing some JS function which will add subdir to the string parsed by $$ITEM_APPRECIATION tag.
Unfortunately this tag returns the string with single " signs inside :(
I cannot pass it as argument for JS function. I have no idea what I can do.

So, can I ask the author of this great program: Would you like to add an option with path of exported images?

Thanx and best regards

Michal Kozusznik
Site Admin
Posts: 9651
Joined: 2002-05-30 10:13:07
Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

it may be added later, but you can use $$ITEM_PICTUREFILENAME if you want more control over the picture tag.
For the $$ITEM_APPRECIATION, it is based on the rating, so you can make images from rating0.gif to rating10.gif for example, and build the filename with <img src="images/rating$$ITEM_RATING.gif">

Post by MaXyM »

Thank you.
best regards

Michal Kozusznik
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