functions request: random function, image functions ...

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functions request: random function, image functions ...

Post by pollopolea »

1) some "random" functions - for example to choose images
2) image functions for scripting:
2.1 - isemptyImageField - to see if the picture field is empty or not
2.2 - pictureSize - for example to overwrite images only if we get a larger image

I like that "PickTreeExec" leave me choose how many button(2 or 3 buttons are nice) and their labels on it.

version 3.5 looks nice, can you add some filter options on scripting? so we can choose films like : "films without images", "film added after 19/01/2005".... and then run the script. I know you can choose manually, but this option could be usefull either in the scripting and main window

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Post by antp »

1. You mean a simple Random function in the scripting, that returns a number ? That could be easy to add
2. That's on my list; there are lots of picture management things that I have to add. I'll add that when I'll add multiple images support I think.

About the picktree, it would actually be easy to add buttons directly by code in the script. I simple have to add a constant that would be a reference to the picktree window, so it could be assigned as Parent of the controls created (buttons, etc.)
It will be for later, but since it is probably easy to do it may come in the first version after the final 3.5

For filtering, it would be easy to modify the script to add a check at the beginning of the script to see if the movie has to be processed or not (well, except for the "without image" thing since there is not yet a function for that).
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Post by pollopolea »

I think the filter should be add to the main window in other case all script should add code for filtering.

thanks antp!
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Post by antp »

Sure, but it would be quite complex to make a filter that allows to specify what you gave as example. What I said (modifying the script) was if you wanted the feature right now ;)
I'll maybe make an advanced search function in the future so you could apply a script/print/export/etc. on the search results (like in version 3.5 where you can restrict that to visible movies)
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Post by pollopolea »

can you add an estatusbar to show messages when he uses scripting? so the script programer can show some message about progress in the seach.

If you add suppot for multiples images could you add one extra field "URL" to store the url of the image?

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Post by antp »

What do you mean by "progress of the script" ?
When I'll add multiple images I'll probably also add the possibility to have web-linked images in addition of locally linked images like actually.
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Post by pollopolea »

I mean an statusbar for scripting ( F6 button) where a programer can put message like "accesing search page" "getting imagen from culturalia" "Searching film".
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Post by antp »

I could use the progress window for that (the same than the one displayed while downloading a page or a picture). The scripts are executed so quickly that I am not sure that it would be useful to have a progress for that. The part that takes time is the download of the page... which already have a progress window.
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Post by pollopolea »

3 examples of use:
- I have an script that download pictures from four diferent sites and i want to show the user in what page it is
- If I use diferent size to download diferent things (for example culturalia + IMDB)
- if you process 30 or 50 movies i want to show the user what film we are searching for.
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Post by antp »

OK, in the future I will allow to cutomize the messages displayed in the progress window. But that will not be for v3.5; I'll see that later.
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