Export script ?

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Export script ?

Post by pbodart »


all the scripts are meant to import data into the database.
It would be nice if we could, per movie, export some data, to contribute to the website giving us all those informations ....

I'm thinking at the .film format of http://www.moviecovers.com .
When we don't find a movie there, we get informations from other sources, but it would be nice to export those gathered info to contribute to the moviecovers website.
The .film file is described here : http://www.moviecovers.com/interfacage.html#ext.FILM

Some programmers have free time ?


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Post by antp »

The site has to be ready to accept info.
For the moment none is ready to give the info, we have to take it by analyzing the HTML page (except Culturalianet and -very soon- DVDFR that provide a more direct access)
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Post by pbodart »

Maybe not automatically, but at least being able to generate from a movie sheet a .film file would allow us to submit it in the www.moviecovers.com "Contributions" section.
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Post by antp »

Yes, I'll see that later ;)
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