Alphabetic Order errors

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Alphabetic Order errors

Post by ABNormal »

Maybe you have already noticed it:
If i have.... "ROCKY" and "ROCKY 2", the prog put the second before the first one.
The reason is that prog think that "ROCKY"+space key comes before "ROCKY"+nothing else.
So i have to manually correct all names from "ROCKY" to "ROCKY ", "CINDARELLA" to "CINDARELLA ".... adding a space key to all #1 movies.

Is it possible to correct this error, plz?

THX a lot
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Post by antp »

I do not have this problem.
I use Windows' string comparison function that depends of the locale (regional settings).
Which country did you define in your Windows settings ?

Post by Guest »

You're right.
But if you have "The Cube" and "The Cube 2" the problem appears.
The reason is that prog rename them as
Cube, the and
Cube 2, the
where the second has c-u-b-e-space that alphabetically comes before c-u-b-e-comma.

Maybe u should change the article movement with a "space-comma" and not with a "comma-space".
Am i right now?

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Post by antp »

I won't modify that, since it may then make other problems appear.
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