Please Create a Tutorial for creating scripts...

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Please Create a Tutorial for creating scripts...

Post by ABNormal »

i've used Extreme Movie Manager till i discovered this Prog.
I found the XMM's scripts not impossible to understand (watching the HTML originals)... and i was able to modify some details in that scripts.

Here i dont understand these functions , procedures....

why not to create a sample page, show the html text, explaining how to fix a point.... before "Original Title <TD>"... and how to catch the right datas?

I'ld like it a lot and could be a way to have always more and more scripts.

Why, in other hands, not to create a.... XMM2ANT script manager?

thank you all
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Post by antp »

Here I use a classic programming language, not something made just for getting info from web pages.
For the latest IMDB script I made some functions that makes the script easier to understand (e.g. functions TextBefore, TextAfter and TextBetween)
A tutorial would be nice, but it takes time to make such thing...

For what you call XMM2ANT, if it is supporting XMM scripts in AMC I won't do that. When I asked XMM creator if I could add XMM scripts support in AMC he said that he prefered that I did not do that, so I respected that.
I took the IFPS script engine since it was opensource and free, that it was made for Delphi, and because it uses something that looks like Pascal/Delphi as language (so it was easy for me to write scripts :D)
If you mean a program to convert XMM scripts to AMC scripts, I am not sure that XMM author would like that, and it would create licence problems (those that made the scripts for XMM did not said they were OK to see their script converted for another program)
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