[games] new script 'AllGame' v1

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[games] new script 'AllGame' v1

Post by scorpion7552 »

new version 1.4 - 05 january 2005
what's new
1) now you first select platform and after that the game name (that makes more sense :D)
BUT if you want you can have a default platform (that is you don't have to select it first). To do that, you have to edit the script and change the constant dfltPlatform = '' to dfltPlatform = 'name_of_the_platform_know-by_allgame'
2) batch mode: edit the script and change BatchMode = False to BatchMode = True
to use that mode, you must have a database created with this script (with at least the url field filled). Don't forget to save your database before using that and work only with few games at a time

[en français pour ceux qui entravent quedalle à l'anglais]
1) on selectionne maintenant en 1er la console puis le nom du jeu (c'est plus logique non :D).
MAIS si vous le voulez, vous pouvez imposer une console par défaut. Pour cela, éditer le script et changez la constante dfltPlatform = '' en dfltPlatform = 'nom_de_la_console_connue_par_allgame'
2) mode batch: editez le script et changez BatchMode = False en BatchMode = True
pour utiliser ce mode, vous devez avoir une base créée avec ce script (avec au moins le champ adresse web valorisé). N'oubliez pas de sauvegarder votre base avant d'utiliser ce mode et travaillez avec seulement quelques jeux à la fois

Code: Select all

// AllGame
 *  importation script for:                        *
 *  AllGame http://www.allgame.com                 *
 *  version 1.4 (c) 2004 scorpion7552              *
 *                                                 *
 *  For use with Ant Movie Catalog 3.4.3           *
 *  www.ant.be.tf/moviecatalog ··· www.buypin.com  *
 *                                                 *
 *  The source code of the script can be used in   *
 *  another program only if full credits to        *
 *  script author and a link to Ant Movie Catalog  *
 *  website are given in the About box or in       *
 *  the documentation of the program               *

program AllGame;
	True: Les images seront stockées en tant que fichiers dans le même dossier que le catalogue
	False: Les images seront stockées dans le catalogue (seulement pour les fichiers .amc)
	ExternalPictures = False;
{ Always2
	False: write fields only if not empty 
	True: write fields even if empty
	Always2 = False;
{ BatchMode
	False: normal mode
	True: batchmode: You must have a database made with AllGame 
				with at least url field initialized 
	BatchMode = False;
{ dfltPlatform
	name of platform by default; if = '' then select one manually
	must be the real name known by allgame
	for PC, enter 'IBM PC Compatible'
	dfltPlatform = '';
	AllGameUrl = 'http://www.allgame.com';    // base url
	crlf = #13#10;
	sepchar = #2;                             // internal separator
// debug mode
	debug = False;                            // debug mode on/off
	debugrep = 'd:\temp\';                   // directory where to save files

	GameName, EndStr, platformc: String;
	Always, gameok: Boolean;
// get platform id
// on output, platformc = name of selected platform 
procedure GetPlatform();   
	Page, Line, Table, msg, urlplatform: string; 

	msg := 'Enter platform name';
// enter platform name; leave script if nothing entered
	if (not Input('AllGame.com Import', msg+' :', platformc)) or (platformc = '') then
		ShowMessage('no platform selected');
// look if there is something matching platformc
	Page := PostPage(AllGameUrl+'/cg/agg.dll', 'SRCH='+platformc+'&P=agg&TYPE=5');
	if debug then
		DumpPage(debugrep+'SelPlatformAllGame.txt', Page);    // debug
	if Pos('Game Platforms Matching', Page) = 0 then
		ShowMessage('Error while reading platform page');  
		exit;                         // leave script if big error
// selection table
	Table := ExtrStr(Page, '<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1>', '</TABLE>');
	if Table = '' then
		msg := 'No platform found for "' + platformc + '"'  // iterate
// extract matching platform names (displayed on a single page)
		PickTreeClear;                                     // clear list
		PickTreeAdd('Select platform', '');
		urlplatform := 'HREF=/cg/agg.dll';                 // url to search 
		repeat                                            // list of games 
		Line := ExtrStr(Table, '<TR', '</TR>');            // extract current line
		Table := EndStr;                                   // next lines
		if GetUrl(Line, urlplatform, AllGameUrl) <> '' then    // if no url, it is the header
			Line := ExtrStr(Line, urlplatform, '');          // extract infos
			Line := FormatText(ExtrStr(Line, '>', '</A>'));  // platform name
 			PickTreeAdd(Line, Line);
		until Table = '';                                 // end repeat extract infos
		if not PickTreeExec(platformc) then
			msg := 'No platform selected';                  // iterate if no platform selected
	until platformc <> '';

// list of games running on platformc
procedure GetList(id: string);   
	Address, Table, Line, Value, Page, urlgame, name, genre: String;
	memo: TStringList;
	i: Integer;

	memo := TStringList.Create;                        // init memo list
	gameok := False;
	Page := PostPage(AllGameUrl+'/cg/agg.dll', 'SRCH='+id+'&P=agg&TYPE=1');
	if debug then
		DumpPage(debugrep+'choiceAllGame.txt', Page);    // debug
	if Pos('Games with Titles Matching', Page) = 0 then
		ShowMessage('Error while reading selection page');
	if Pos('No matches found', Page) > 0 then
		ShowMessage('No game found at all for "' + GameName + '"');
// selection table
	Table := ExtrStr(Page, '<TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=610 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1>', '</TABLE>');
// note: the games are displayed on one page and are sorted by relevance
// first round: memorize games for platformc
	urlgame := 'HREF=/cg/agg.dll';                 // url to search (first occurence)
	repeat                                        // list of games 
	Line := ExtrStr(Table, '<TR', '</TR>');        // extract current line
	Table := EndStr;                               // next lines
	Address := GetUrl(Line, urlgame, AllGameUrl);  // get url of game page
	if Address <> '' then                         // if '', it is the header
		Line := ExtrStr(Line, urlgame, '');          // extract infos
		Line := ExtrStr(Line, '>', '<IMG');
		Line := StringReplace(Line, crlf, '');
		Line := StringReplace(Line, '</TD>', sepchar);   
		name := FormatText(ExtrStr(Line, '', sepchar));            // name of the game
		Line := EndStr;
		genre := FormatText(ExtrStr(Line, sepchar, sepchar));      // genre
		Line := EndStr;                                
		Line := ExtrStr(Line, sepchar, sepchar); 
		Line := EndStr;                                            // skip style
		Value := FormatText(ExtrStr(Line, sepchar, sepchar));      // Platform 
		if Copy(Value, 1, 2) = 'PC' then            // PC, PC DOS Win95, etc...
			value := 'IBM PC Compatible';             
		if Value = platformc then
// current game runs on selected platform
			gameok := True;                            // game(s) found
			memo.Add(name+' ('+genre+')'+sepchar+Address);
	until Table = '';                             // end repeat
	if not gameok then
		ShowMessage('No game found for "' + GameName + '" running on "'+platformc+'"');
	SortList(memo);                                // sort games list
// second round: select games for the choosen platform (Platformc)
	PickTreeClear;                                 // clear list
	PickTreeAdd('List of games (platform='+Platformc+')', '');
	for i:= 0 to memo.count -1 do
		Line := memo.GetString(i);
		Value := ExtrStr(Line, '', sepchar);         // name (genre)              
		Address := ExtrStr(EndStr, sepchar, '');     // url of game page
    PickTreeAdd(Value, Address);
	gameok := False;                               // back to false until selection 
	if PickTreeExec(Address) then
		SetField(fieldURL, Address);
		AnalyzeGamePage(Address);                    // game page
	end else
		ShowMessage('No game selected');

procedure AnalyzeGamePage(Address: string);

	Fullpage, Line, Table, Value, Value2, screenshot, cover: String;
	i: Integer;

	Fullpage := GetPage(Address);         
	if debug then
		DumpPage(debugrep+'gameAllGame.txt', Fullpage);    // debug
	if Pos('Release', Fullpage) = 0 then
		ShowMessage('Error while reading game page');
	gameok := True;                                 // now, it's ok
//*** title (original only) and rating
	Table := ExtrStr(FullPage, '<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=#D8D8D8', '</TABLE>');
	if Table <> '' then
	  Value := ExtrStr(Table, '<B>', '</B>');
		SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, FormatText(Value));
		SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, ''); 
	Value := ExtrStr(FullPage, '<IMG SRC="/im/agg/st_pt', '.jpg"');  // rating  (<IMG SRC="/im/agg/st_ptX.jpg"  with X = rating)
	if (Value <> '') or (Always) then            
		SetField(fieldRating, Value);
//*** platform (= country), genre (= category) and style (no field for that or may be mixed with genre ???)
	Table := ExtrStr(FullPage, '<TABLE BORDER=0 BORDERCOLOR="WHITE"', '</TABLE>');
	if Table <> '' then
		Table := StringReplace('<'+Table, '</TR>', sepchar);
		Table := StringReplace(Table, crlf, '');
		Table := FormatText(Table);
		Value := ExtrStr(Table, '', sepchar);        // platform
		Table := EndStr;
		if (Value <> '') or (Always) then
			Setfield(fieldCountry, FormatText(Value));
		Value := ExtrStr(Table, sepchar, sepchar);   // genre
		Table := EndStr;
		if (Value <> '') or (Always) then
			Setfield(fieldCategory, FormatText(Value));
// get 1st screenshot if any
	Table := ExtrStr(FullPage, '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0>', '</TABLE>');
	if Table <> '' then
		screenshot := GetUrl(Table, '', '');
//*** release date (year only)  ('month year' 'month day, year' or 'year')
	Table := ExtrStr(FullPage, '<TABLE WIDTH=610 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1>', '');  // multi-tables
	Value := ExtrStr(Table,'Release', '</TR>');
	Value := FormatText(Value);
// prov 3.5 voir LastPos
	i := Pos(',', Value);
	if i <> 0 then
		Value := Copy(Value, i+1, length(Value));   // month day,
	i := Pos(' ', Value); 
	if i <> 0 then 
		Value := Copy(Value, i+1, length(Value));   // month year
	if (Value <> '') or (Always) then
		SetField(fieldYear, Value);
// developper (= director)
	Value := ExtrStr(Table,'Developer', '</TR>');
	Value := FormatText(Value);
	if (Value <> '') or (Always) then
		SetField(fieldDirector, Value);
// publisher (= producer)
	Value := ExtrStr(Table,'Publisher', '</TR>');
	Value := FormatText(Value);
	if (Value <> '') or (Always) then
		SetField(fieldProducer, Value);
// various infos (= comments) controls, hardware supported, etc...
	Value2 := '';
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Controls');
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Warnings');
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Flags');
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Hardware Supported');
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Supports');
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Included in Package');
	Value2 := Value2+ExtrInfo(Table,'Similar Games');
	Value2 := FormatText(Value2);
	if (Value2 <> '') or (Always) then
		SetField(fieldComments, Value2);
//*** description and image
	Value := ExtrStr(FullPage, '<TABLE border=0 BGCOLOR="#D8D8D8"', '</TABLE>');
	Table := EndStr;
	if Value <> '' then
		Value := '<'+Value;
		cover := ExtrStr(Value, '<IMG SRC="', '"');        // cover url 
		Value := FormatText(Value);
		Value2 := ExtrStr(Table, '<TABLE border=0 BGCOLOR="#D8D8D8"', '</TABLE>');
		if Value2 <> '' then
		begin                                             // another description
			Value2 := FormatText('<'+Value2);
			Value := Value+crlf+Value2;
	if (Value <> '') or (Always) then
		SetField(fieldDescription, Value);
	if cover = '' then
		cover := screenshot;          // no cover: get 1st screenshot if any
	if cover <> '' then
		GetPicture(cover, ExternalPictures);

// extract 'various infos'
function ExtrInfo(str1, str2: string) :string;

	str1 := ExtrStr(str1, str2, '</TR>');
	str1 := FormatText(str1);
	if str1 <> '' then
		str1 := crlf+str2+': '+str1;
	result := str1;

// format a text for display
// suppress html tags, replacement of strange characters
function FormatText(str1: string) :string;
	s: String;
// ugly characters
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '&#151;', '---');
// special characters
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '&', '&');
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '<', '<');
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '>', '>');
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '"', '"');
// paragraphs = crlf
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '</p>', crlf); 
	str1 := StringReplace(str1, '<p>', crlf);
	HTMLRemoveTags(str1);                     // suppress HTML tags
	HTMLDecode(str1);                         // and special characters
// suppress formatting characters at the begining of string (ASCII code <= x'20')
	s := Copy(str1, 1, 1);                   // 1st character of str1
	if s <= #32 then
		Delete(str1, 1, 1);                    // out
	until (s = '') or (s > #32);
	result := Trim(str1);

// extract url contained in a string without edition
// addr := GetUrl(string, start_from,base_url);
function GetUrl(WholeText, StartFrom, urlb: string) :string;
	i: Integer;
	delim: String;

	result := '';
	if StartFrom <> '' then                        // if StartFrom = '', start from begining of string
		i := Pos(StartFrom, WholeText); 
		if i = 0 then                                // StartFrom not found
		Delete(WholeText,1, i -1);                    // delete characters before StartFrom
	i := Pos('HREF=', UpperCase(WholeText));        // start of url: href= 
	if i = 0 then                                  // no href= found
	Delete(WholeText,1, i +4);                      // skip href=
	WholeText := ExtrStr(WholeText, '', '>');       // stop at the end of tag
	delim := Copy(WholeText, 1, 1);                 // delimiter = " or ' or nothing
	if (delim = '''') or (delim = '"') then
		Delete(WholeText, 1, 1)                       // skip ' or " 
		delim := ' ';                                  // no delimiter: stop at first blank if any
	i := Pos(delim, WholeText); 
	if i > 0 then
		Delete(WholeText,i, Length(WholeText));
	WholeText := StringReplace(WholeText, '&', '&');
	WholeText := StringReplace(WholeText, '../', '');    // cf relative address
	WholeText := StringReplace(WholeText, './', '');     
	WholeText := urlb + WholeText;                       // add base url if any 
	result := Trim(WholeText);

// extract the string delimited by strfrom and strto in str1
// output: global variable EndStr = end of the string starting at strto
function ExtrStr(str1,strfrom,strto: string) :string;
	i: Integer;

	EndStr := '';
	if strfrom <> '' then                         // if from = '', start from begining
		i := Pos(strfrom, str1);
		if i = 0 then                               // from not found
			result := '';
		Delete(str1, 1, i + Length(strfrom) -1);
	i := Pos(strto, str1);                         // end of the string
	EndStr := Copy(str1, i, Length(str1));
	Delete(str1, i, Length(str1));
	result := Trim(str1);
// sort a StringList (must be initialized)
procedure SortList(stringl: TStringList);
	i1, i2, imin: Integer;
	min, min2: String;
	for i1 := 0 to stringl.count -2 do
		min := stringl.GetString(i1);          // current = min
		imin := i1;
// search in next the smallest entry
		for i2 := i1 +1 to stringl.count-1 do
			min2 := stringl.GetString(i2);
			if min2 < min then 
			begin                         // current (i2) = new min
				min := min2;                 // memorize it and continue
				imin := i2;
		if imin <> i1 then
		begin                           // swap current (i1) and new min (imin)
			min2 := stringl.GetString(imin);

// dump a string to disk (debug mode)
// DumpPage(path_of_the_file,string)
// path_of_the_file = complete path ex: 'c:\temp\myfile.txt'
procedure DumpPage(fic, str1: string);
	Page2: TStringList;
	page2 := TStringList.Create;
	page2.Text := str1;

//  start here
	if CheckVersion(3,4,3) then
		Always := Always2;
		if BatchMode then
// batch mode : always write fields
			Always := True;
			GameName := GetField(fieldUrl);    // if no url or another site then ignore
			if (GameName <> '') and (Pos(AllGameUrl, GameName) > 0) then
		end else
// normal mode
			platformc := dfltPlatform;
			if platformc = '' then
				GetPlatform();                              // if no default, select platform
			if platformc <> '' then
				GameName := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);     // then game name
				if GameName = '' then
					GameName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle); // normally, it's not there
				if (Input('AllGame.com Import', 'Enter game name for platform "'+platformc+'" :', GameName)) and (GameName <> '') then
					if gameok then
	end else
		ShowMessage('This script requires a newer version of Ant Movie Catalog (at least the version 3.4.3)');

Enjoy ;)
Last edited by scorpion7552 on 2005-01-05 21:35:43, edited 3 times in total.
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Joined: 2004-12-07 22:58:53

Post by basilou »

Merci beaucoup Nickel :grinking: :grinking: :grinking:
Une petite question on ne sait jamais :/
Y aurait'il un moyen a un moment donné dans la recherche d'infos du scrypt de sélectionner le type de plate forme avant l'affichage des résultats histoire de trier un peu avant (y'a tellement de choix :grinking: )????
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Post by scorpion7552 »

basilou wrote:Merci beaucoup Nickel :grinking: :grinking: :grinking:
Une petite question on ne sait jamais :/
Y aurait'il un moyen a un moment donné dans la recherche d'infos du scrypt de sélectionner le type de plate forme avant l'affichage des résultats histoire de trier un peu avant (y'a tellement de choix :grinking: )????
pas de base en tout cas. On peut peut-être envisager quelque chose avec la version 3.5 d'amc et encore je ne sais pas trop :/ . Faut que je vois de plus près les possibilités de la 3.5 ... to be continued ...
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Post by antp »

Bah tu peux utiliser le PickTree pour faire un choix, et ensuite le réutiliser pur autre chose, non ? :??:
Ou alors que faudrait-il que j'ajoute ?
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Post by scorpion7552 »

antp wrote:Bah tu peux utiliser le PickTree pour faire un choix, et ensuite le réutiliser pur autre chose, non ? :??:
Ou alors que faudrait-il que j'ajoute ?
non, il n'y a rien à rajouter à picktree. Ce que dit Basilou, c'est que la liste présentée par le moteur de recherche prend en compte toutes les plateformes sur lesquelles le jeu en question tourne et il aimerait ne voir affiché que les jeux sur telle ou telle plateforme. Il faut donc que je filtre les réponses par rapport à une liste de 'consoles autorisées' que l'utilisateur devra paramètrer/cocher: c'est pour cela que je parlais de la 3.5 (à propos, un premier bilan de test dans pas longtemps... ;) )
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Post by basilou »

C pas grave si ce n'est pas faisable C'est deja tres tres bien :grinking:
Peut etre une autre proposition et est ce qu'un tri dans les résultats ne serait pas possible Afficher les résultat classé par plateforme avec des "sous catégorie Par exemples pour MarioKart ca donnerait
Mario Kart :
Nintendo 64:
- Mario Kart
Game Boy advanced:
-Mario Kart

Etc.. Un truc de ce style ce serait faisable ou pas?
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Post by scorpion7552 »

je ne sais pas trop. Faut que je regarde ça de plus près (et je comprends bien ta demande, c'est vrai que c'est un peu foutraque... :D )
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Post by basilou »

D'avance Merci Scorpion7552 :grinking:
Fais au mieux j'ai entièrement confiance en toi :D et si c'est pas faisable Ne te casse pas la tête c'est deja cool ce que tu nous a fait :grinking:(je me répete mais c'est parceque c'est vrai :p )
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Post by scorpion7552 »

en beta test avant de passer en version officielle (c'est-à-dire dans le 1er post :D )

teste ça et dis-moi ce que tu en penses

après saisie du nom du jeu, affichage de la liste des plateformes sur lesquelles ce(ces) jeu(x) tourne(nt)
Selectionne une de ces plateformes et normalement la liste des jeux associés doit s'afficher
:??: pour les jeux sur PC il y a plusieurs catégories. Faudrait-il les regrouper ???

bons tests ;)
version 1.1 beta remplacée par la 1.2 officielle dans 1er topic
Last edited by scorpion7552 on 2004-12-15 23:01:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by basilou »

Testé et approuvé!!!
Merci!!! :grinking: :grinking: :grinking:
Trop fort!!!
C'est au dela de mes attentes :grinking:
La communauté Xlobby-Fr te remercie pour cette grosse aiguille que tu viens de nous retirer de la main
Vraiment un tres grand Merci :grinking:
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Post by scorpion7552 »

content que ça serve ;)

donc ce soir ou demain la version 'officielle' avec en bonus
- le regroupement de toutes les plateformes PC sous un seul nom ('PC' bien sûr :hihi: )
- le tri par ordre alpha des noms de plateformes (pour que ce soit plus joli)


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Post by basilou »

La perfection!!! :grinking:
Merci beaucoup
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Location: Paris, France

Post by scorpion7552 »

as said in the previous messages (sorry they were in french... you understand French, don't you ?) here is the new version of the script (go to the 1st post)
- after entering the game name, a first list of the platforms is displayed; choose one and press OK, then the games for the selected platform are displayed...

chose promise, chose due: voici donc la version 1.2 'officielle'
rendez-vous dans le 1er message de ce topic

Enjoy ;)
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Post by scorpion7552 »

new version available in the 1st post of this topic
news: if no cover found, get the 1st screenshot if any

nouvelle version dispo dans le 1er post de ce topic
nouveauté: s'il n'y a pas de 'cover', on prend le 1er 'screenshot' s'il existe
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Post by basilou »

Thanks Scorpion7552 :grinking:

please make it automatic download

Post by bezo »

i have 2000 games and it's take a lot of work to choose all time PC and the first game in the list again...

can you make change to download automatic all the first game in list that found in PC genre?

i see this feture in another script here but it was for movies...


thanks a lot.
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Re: please make it automatic download

Post by scorpion7552 »

bezo wrote:hi,
i have 2000 games and it's take a lot of work to choose all time PC and the first game in the list again...

can you make change to download automatic all the first game in list that found in PC genre?

i see this feture in another script here but it was for movies...


thanks a lot.
There's a new version coming (very) soon. With this version, you first choose platform then game name (it's more logical :D). BUT you can also define a default platform, so you don't have to select it: you 'just' enter the game name. It's not exactly what you want but I think it's better :)
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Post by scorpion7552 »

the new version is available. Read carefully the first post of this topic

la nouvelle version est arrivée. Lisez attentivement le 1er post de ce topic
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