File name formatting

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File name formatting

Post by boristhecat »

If you export a list of items from AMC, it does not order them in the same way as Explorer does.
So if for instance you export movie names and dates from a file, you can't apply them to files as they are out of order. Like Fear II will come before Fear I in Explorer. Very bizarre, but true.
I'm on day 2 of renaming all the files of 1 of 9 disks I have, and am only up to 678 of 2082 :(
Thanks to Python the actual renaming is automated, but all file names and dates must match first. It'll be month before I complete. I hope this can be sorted out at some point.
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Re: File name formatting

Post by antp »

I'm not sure to understand what you mean and what you are trying to achieve.
In Windows since a few years numbers are detected in strings to be sorted separately, i.e. 2 comes before 10. In basic text sort, 10 would come first because 1 < 2.
There is an option in Tools -> Preferences -> General, "Use natural comparison", when enabled it works like Windows Explorer, but I don't know if it also applies to exporting lists or only to the main window display.
For the example of Fear II vs Fear I in Windows explorer, I don't see such problem, maybe it depends on what is after the roman number (which are just letters for the computer).
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Joined: 2015-06-30 22:25:21

Re: File name formatting

Post by boristhecat »

I've had dozens of those file inconsistencies the last few hours. I shall try where you said in preferences, and see if it helps. I still have many thousands to do so there's no shortage of testing haha
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Joined: 2015-06-30 22:25:21

Re: File name formatting

Post by boristhecat »

No there are some proper anomalies. I don't understand either why they come up wrong. But the errors are there and I have to correct them all which is taking multiple hours. I'm going to try a few different ways of organising them and se which is the most accurate.
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