New Template (smooth and blue themed)

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New Template (smooth and blue themed)

Post by Wermine »

I made this template shortly after I discovered Ant Movie Catalog and it's potential. You can see template in action here:
And screenshot from that site:
Then the whole site + template in rar file: - 83kB

You have to export same catalog twice, if you want to use both mov_recent.html and mov_all.html. Both files have different template and different settings. Check only recent movies. So uncheck movies every now and then when they get "old". Idea is that you have all your movies in "all" section and new, fresh ones in "recent" section. This way it's easy to me and my friends to see what new movies I have.

For mov_all.html:
-export all movies, not just checked ones
-export in "original title" order
-use TEMPLATE_movies.htm

For mov_recent.html:
-export only checked movies
-export in "custon" order (first by date, then by name and then by year)
-use TEMPLATE_recent.html

Post by Guest »

Very nice template..!

Is it also possible to make the movieinfo link to descriptions from the moviedatabase..?

Everybody here, gets his movieinfo and images from all kinds of moviesites and puts it into ANT.

Would be marvelous if something like that could be build into this template!

I'm currently using the XSLT template but it does not seem to work with FireFox which of course is the browser of the future ;)

anyway...the template looks beautiful..!
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