Function to verify that a certain file exists

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Function to verify that a certain file exists

Post by Drodri70 »


I don't know if I am publishing it on the Costa site.

Although the catalog is for movie themes, I am using it as a kitchen catalog.

I have the recipes downloaded in a directory of my hard drive in JPG format, and

I use the import method 4 - External image.

I use the extras to see the recipes that I download them in photo format.

These recipes often update them for a new recipe by erasing the previous one.

My question is whether there would be any way to be able to verify for each record that this file (JPG, PNG, etc.) is found in the recipe directory.

To know what files they need to be reviewed

Thank you very much for your help.
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Re: Function to verify that a certain file exists

Post by antp »

There are "PictureExists" and "ExtraPictureExists" functions for the scripts, that can be used for that.
You can find these in the Help file, in Technical information -> Script files creation.
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Re: Function to verify that a certain file exists

Post by Drodri70 »

Thank you very much for your prompt answer.

But my knowledge of informatics are at the user level and I do not have the ability to make a script.

But if I could recommend any guide that could help me, I could try to do it.

Thanks for the great work you do.
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Re: Function to verify that a certain file exists

Post by antp »

As you mentioned a function in your request, I thought you mean "function" in a code-meaning, not general functionality :)
I don't have time to write scripts for custom requests, unfortunately.
I'm not sure there is a guide existing to help on how to make scripts for the program, except checking existing scripts (but most of them are probably more complex than what you need here).
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Re: Function to verify that a certain file exists

Post by Drodri70 »

thank you so much.

I will try to see some script that can modify to be used for this purpose
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